Factores que contribuyen a mejorar la calidad de vida de los recicladores del distrito de Miraflores – Lima a partir de su formalización: Estudio de caso de la Asociación ARSEMIM del periodo 2012 al 2015
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El tema de investigación de esta tesis es conocer los factores que han
contribuido a mejorar la calidad de vida de los recicladores de residuos sólidos
del distrito de Miraflores a partir de su formalización. La informalidad laboral en
nuestro país es de las más elevadas en la región. Para el año 2014, 11.5
millones de peruanos (72.8%) tuvieron un empleo informal (INEI 2014). La labor
de reciclador es una actividad que en su mayoría se realiza de manera informal,
como medio de subsistencia ante una situación económica precaria y por la falta
de competencias y oportunidades para desempeñarse en otra labor. Del total de
recicladores, el 87% aún trabajan de manera independiente e informal, solo el
4% ha sido incluido económica y socialmente al mercado formal (Zavaleta 2011).
Es en este contexto que el Ministerio del Ambiente (MINAM) en coordinación con
el Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas (MEF) y otros organismos, vienen llevando
a cabo programas a nivel nacional a través de la implementación de programas
municipales que promuevan la formalización de los recicladores. Este trabajo de
investigación pretende conocer los principales cambios que han experimentado
los recicladores de ARSEMIM a partir de la creación de una asociación que los
agrupe y la consecuente formalización de su trabajo. Así mismo, se quiere
conocer los efectos de los sistemas de control en su desempeño y el nivel de
articulación de cada uno de los actores en la implementación de este Programa.
Esta tesis está basada en un estudio de caso. La metodología utilizada es
cualitativa y la unidad de análisis está conformada por: 12 recicladores de la
asociación ARSEMIM, 3 funcionarios de la Municipalidad de Miraflores y 2
funcionarios del Programa Pro Reciclador de la Organización Ciudad Saludable.
La técnica de investigación utilizada fue la entrevista para todos los actores. A
partir de los hallazgos encontrados, de su análisis e interpretación se espera
brindar un aporte práctico al generar nuevos conocimientos acerca de lo que los
recicladores consideran los cambios más significativos en su vida desde que son
miembros de la asociación. También se espera formular recomendaciones en la
implementación del programa y en la gestión de los sistemas de control
básicamente dirigidas a las instituciones públicas y privadas que trabajan con los
The subject of this Thesis' investigation is to know the facts that contributed to the improvement of the quality of life of people dedicated to recycle solid residuals in the district of Miraflores, since they became legalize. The labor informality in our country is one of the highest in the region. 11.5 million Peruvians (72.8%) had an informal labor by 2014 (INEI 2014). The labor of a person who does trash recycle, is a mostly informal activity used as a way to earn a basic living in a very scattered economic environment. And is also a result of a lack of preparation and opportunities to perform another kind of job. From the 100% of people who work as recyclers, 87% still work as informal and independent. And only 4% had been included economically and socially in the formal market (Zavaleta 2011). This is the reason why the Ministerio del Ambiente (MINAM) in coordination with the Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas (MEF) and other organizations are creating national programs to encourage the formalization and legalization of recyclers. This research work intends to know the main changes that the ARSEMIM recyclers are experiencing since the creation of a group association and the legalization of their job. At the same time we intend to know the effects of the performance's control system and the level of linkage of each of the members in the program's implementation. This thesis is based on a case study. The methodology used is qualitative and the analysis unit is made up of: 12 recyclers from the ARSEMIM association, 3 officials from the Municipality of Miraflores and 2 officials from the Pro Recycler Program of Ciudad Saludable. The research technique used was the interview for all actors. After analyzing and interpreting the data we collected, we expect to bring a practical input, generating new knowledge regarding on what the recyclers consider are the most significant life changing effects since they became members of the association. We also expect to formulate recommendations for the improvement of the program and for the management of the control systems. These are going to be basically directed to public and private Institutions that work together with the recyclers.
The subject of this Thesis' investigation is to know the facts that contributed to the improvement of the quality of life of people dedicated to recycle solid residuals in the district of Miraflores, since they became legalize. The labor informality in our country is one of the highest in the region. 11.5 million Peruvians (72.8%) had an informal labor by 2014 (INEI 2014). The labor of a person who does trash recycle, is a mostly informal activity used as a way to earn a basic living in a very scattered economic environment. And is also a result of a lack of preparation and opportunities to perform another kind of job. From the 100% of people who work as recyclers, 87% still work as informal and independent. And only 4% had been included economically and socially in the formal market (Zavaleta 2011). This is the reason why the Ministerio del Ambiente (MINAM) in coordination with the Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas (MEF) and other organizations are creating national programs to encourage the formalization and legalization of recyclers. This research work intends to know the main changes that the ARSEMIM recyclers are experiencing since the creation of a group association and the legalization of their job. At the same time we intend to know the effects of the performance's control system and the level of linkage of each of the members in the program's implementation. This thesis is based on a case study. The methodology used is qualitative and the analysis unit is made up of: 12 recyclers from the ARSEMIM association, 3 officials from the Municipality of Miraflores and 2 officials from the Pro Recycler Program of Ciudad Saludable. The research technique used was the interview for all actors. After analyzing and interpreting the data we collected, we expect to bring a practical input, generating new knowledge regarding on what the recyclers consider are the most significant life changing effects since they became members of the association. We also expect to formulate recommendations for the improvement of the program and for the management of the control systems. These are going to be basically directed to public and private Institutions that work together with the recyclers.
Palabras clave
Recicladores--Perú--Miraflores (Lima : Distrito)--Estudio de casos, Reciclaje (Residuos, etc.)--Perú--Miraflores (Lima : Distrito)--Estudio de casos, Pequeñas empresas--Sector informal (Economía)--Perú--Estudio de casos, Gobierno local--Perú--Miraflores (Lima : Distrito)--Estudio de casos, Gobiernos locales--Políticas públicas--Estudio de casos, Sector informal (Economía)--Perú--Miraflores (Lima : Distrito)--Estudio de casos
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