La construcción de la resiliencia en docentes de educación básica
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación nace de la necesidad de querer conocer cómo se construye
la resiliencia en los docentes, teniendo en cuenta que esta es una capacidad muy
importante para ellos, porque les permite reconocerse descubriendo habilidades,
potencialidades y límites que los construyen como seres íntegros, lo cual les permite
afrontar situaciones adversas en los diversos escenarios en los que se desenvuelven.
El problema de investigación busca responder la pregunta ¿Cómo se construye la
resiliencia en los docentes de educación básica? A raíz de ello, se planteó, como
objetivo explicar el proceso de la construcción de la resiliencia en maestros de
educación básica; para ello, fue necesario emplear una metodología cualitativa y
documental que consistió en recoger información relevante de diversas fuentes, a fin
de obtener datos importantes que permitieron analizar, con mayor profundidad, el
tema escogido. Se concluye que la resiliencia es una capacidad propia de todo ser
humano que se encuentra de manera intrínseca en él, que va en proceso de formación
desde el momento de la concepción y que se va desarrollando con el paso de los
años. Asimismo, existen diversos factores que juegan un rol protagónico a la hora de
desarrollarse, entre ellos destacan el entorno en donde se desenvuelve la persona, la
familia en la que va creciendo y el contexto de trabajo. En este sentido, para que un
docente pueda desarrollar su resiliencia, será necesario potenciar su entorno
intelectual, social y organizacional en los que vive y labora (Day 2016).
The present research stems from the need of know how resilience is built in teachers, considering that this is an important capacity for them as it allows them to recognize themselves by discovering abilities, their potential and limits that build them as integral human beings, which allows them to face adverse situations in various scenarios where they operate. The research problem seeks to answer the question: How is resilience built in basic education teachers? As a result, the main objective was to explain the process of building resilience in basic education teachers; For this, it was necessary to use a qualitative and documentary review methodology that consisted of collecting relevant information from various sources, to obtain important data that allowed the chosen topic to be deeply analyzed. It is concluded that resilience is a capacity of every human being that is found intrinsically in them, that is in a constant process of formation from the moment of conception and that it is developed over the years. Likewise, there are several factors that play a leading role when it comes to development, such as the environment where the person develops, the family in which he grows up and the work context stand out. In this regard, for teachers to develop their resilience, it will be necessary to enhance their intellectual, social, and organizational environment in which they live and work (Day 2016).
The present research stems from the need of know how resilience is built in teachers, considering that this is an important capacity for them as it allows them to recognize themselves by discovering abilities, their potential and limits that build them as integral human beings, which allows them to face adverse situations in various scenarios where they operate. The research problem seeks to answer the question: How is resilience built in basic education teachers? As a result, the main objective was to explain the process of building resilience in basic education teachers; For this, it was necessary to use a qualitative and documentary review methodology that consisted of collecting relevant information from various sources, to obtain important data that allowed the chosen topic to be deeply analyzed. It is concluded that resilience is a capacity of every human being that is found intrinsically in them, that is in a constant process of formation from the moment of conception and that it is developed over the years. Likewise, there are several factors that play a leading role when it comes to development, such as the environment where the person develops, the family in which he grows up and the work context stand out. In this regard, for teachers to develop their resilience, it will be necessary to enhance their intellectual, social, and organizational environment in which they live and work (Day 2016).
Palabras clave
Resiliencia, Personal docente--Investigaciones, Educación primaria--Investigaciones
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