Correlación entre los Recursos Personales con el Involucramiento Laboral
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En la actualidad, las organizaciones deben superar diferentes desafíos, tanto sociales
como económicos para poder mantenerse rentables en el mercado. Por ende, es necesario
que toda organización promueva y mejore las experiencias positivas entre sus
trabajadores, con la finalidad de tener una fuerza trabajadora saludable y motivada a
trabajar; de esta manera, se puede lograr un buen desempeño laboral y rentabilidad para
la organización.
Por ende, hoy en día existe un gran interés por parte de los académicos y empresarios en
el desarrollo y la gestión del concepto de involucramiento laboral, ya que, según las
investigaciones, puede llegar a predecir el desempeño laboral. Existen variables que se
identifican como importantes desencadenantes del involucramiento laboral, entre ellos:
los recursos laborales y recursos personales; para este estudio nos centraremos en los
recursos personales.
El objetivo del estudio es correlacionar la variable de involucramiento laboral con los
recursos personales de autoeficacia y autoestima organizacional en una organización
pública de Lima con la finalidad de poder explorar el comportamiento de estas variables
en nuestra población. Se tomó una muestra de 84 trabajadores de una organización con
una media de edad de 47.71 años. Los resultados evidencian correlaciones medianas
directas entre el involucramiento laboral con ambos recursos personales (r (autoeficacia)
= .385 ; r (autoestima organizacional) = .453).
Nowadays, companies has different economics and social challenges that must be solved to get profitability in its business. Therefore, it is necessary that companies promotes and improves positive experiences among workers to have a healthy and motivated working force; in that way, they can get good job performance and profitability to the business. Thus, academics and entrepreneurs have been interested in the development and management of the concept of work engagement because it can predict job performance according to the investigations. There are variables identified as important antecedents of work engagement, among them: job resources and personal resources. For this study, we will focus only in personal resources. The main objective of the study is to correlate work engagement’s variable with two personal resources: self-efficacy and organization-based self-steem in a public organization in Lima to explore the behavior of these variables in our population. The sample consists of 84 workers from an organization with an age mean of 47.71 years old. The results shows medium direct relation between work engagement with both personal resources (r (self-efficacy) = .385 ; r (organizational self-esteem) = .453).
Nowadays, companies has different economics and social challenges that must be solved to get profitability in its business. Therefore, it is necessary that companies promotes and improves positive experiences among workers to have a healthy and motivated working force; in that way, they can get good job performance and profitability to the business. Thus, academics and entrepreneurs have been interested in the development and management of the concept of work engagement because it can predict job performance according to the investigations. There are variables identified as important antecedents of work engagement, among them: job resources and personal resources. For this study, we will focus only in personal resources. The main objective of the study is to correlate work engagement’s variable with two personal resources: self-efficacy and organization-based self-steem in a public organization in Lima to explore the behavior of these variables in our population. The sample consists of 84 workers from an organization with an age mean of 47.71 years old. The results shows medium direct relation between work engagement with both personal resources (r (self-efficacy) = .385 ; r (organizational self-esteem) = .453).
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