Desarrollo del lenguaje oral durante las interacciones sociales en niños de 3 años de una Institución Pública del Cercado de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente tesis de carácter mixto tiene como objetivo describir las características
del lenguaje oral de los niños de 3 años y su uso durante las interacciones sociales
que se dan entre pares en una Institución pública del Cercado de Lima. El estudio de
este tema resulta fundamental porque se reconoce que las interacciones sociales son
un medio para desarrollar el lenguaje oral en los primeros años de vida. En esta etapa
se da lugar a un proceso de socialización más intenso porque los niños adquieran
habilidades para poder desenvolverse en diferentes situaciones, una de ellas es el
desarrollo del lenguaje oral y las habilidades de socialización. El estudio es de
carácter empírico y se desarrolla bajo el método de estudio de caso, el cual me
permite describir a profundidad las características del lenguaje de los niños que
participan de esta investigación. Para ello se ha diseñado instrumentos que nos
permitan recoger la información necesaria de acuerdo con los objetivos planteados.
Estos instrumentos son; la lista de cotejo para recoger las características del lenguaje
oral de los niños de 3 años aplicada a lo largo de las actividades diarias; la guía de
observación semi- estructurada y adicional una lista de cotejo el cual fue aplicada
durante la rutina del juego libre. Estos instrumentos fueron aplicados teniendo en
cuenta los principios éticos que resguarden la integridad de los involucrados. Los
resultados de esta investigación demuestran que es importante reflexionar acerca del
desarrollo del lenguaje oral y como este permite a los niños desenvolverse de manera
efectiva durante sus interacciones entre pares. En ese sentido, los docentes deben
cumplir un rol fundamental en el desarrollo del lenguaje oral, brindado a los niños
espacios de interacción que les permita vivenciar diversas situaciones de manera
espontánea dentro y fuera del aula.
The objective of this mixed thesis is to describe the characteristics of oral language in 3-year-old children and its use during social interactions between peers in a public institution in Cercado de Lima. The study of this topic is essential because it is recognized that social interactions are a means to develop oral language in the first years of life. In this stage, a more intense socialization process takes place because children acquire skills to be able to cope in different situations, one of them is the development of oral language and socialization skills. The study is empirical in nature and is developed under the case study method, which allows me to describe in depth the characteristics of the language of the children who participate in this research. For this, instruments have been designed that allow us to collect the necessary information according to the objectives set. These instruments are; the checklist to collect the oral language characteristics of 3-year-old children applied throughout daily activities; the semi-structured observation guide and an additional checklist which was applied during the free play routine. These instruments were applied taking into account the ethical principles that safeguard the integrity of those involved. The results of this research show that it is important to reflect on the development of oral language and how it allows children to function effectively during their peer interactions. In this sense, teachers must play a fundamental role in the development of oral language, providing children with spaces for interaction that allow them to experience various situations spontaneously inside and outside the classroom.
The objective of this mixed thesis is to describe the characteristics of oral language in 3-year-old children and its use during social interactions between peers in a public institution in Cercado de Lima. The study of this topic is essential because it is recognized that social interactions are a means to develop oral language in the first years of life. In this stage, a more intense socialization process takes place because children acquire skills to be able to cope in different situations, one of them is the development of oral language and socialization skills. The study is empirical in nature and is developed under the case study method, which allows me to describe in depth the characteristics of the language of the children who participate in this research. For this, instruments have been designed that allow us to collect the necessary information according to the objectives set. These instruments are; the checklist to collect the oral language characteristics of 3-year-old children applied throughout daily activities; the semi-structured observation guide and an additional checklist which was applied during the free play routine. These instruments were applied taking into account the ethical principles that safeguard the integrity of those involved. The results of this research show that it is important to reflect on the development of oral language and how it allows children to function effectively during their peer interactions. In this sense, teachers must play a fundamental role in the development of oral language, providing children with spaces for interaction that allow them to experience various situations spontaneously inside and outside the classroom.
Palabras clave
Niños--Lenguaje, Interacción social en niños, Educación preescolar--Perú--Cercado de Lima (Lima : Distrito)
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