Alto índice de observaciones en los títulos presentados al registro de predios de la SUNARP de las zonas registrales IX – XII en el periodo 2017-2018
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad desarrollar un proyecto de innovación para
mejorar del servicio de inscripción en el Registro de Predios de la Sunarp, entidad
encargada de brindar seguridad jurídica a través de la inscripción y publicidad de
los actos y contratos que se celebran respecto de los inmuebles en el territorio
nacional, desarrollando así una actividad trascendental para el país. Para la
determinación del problema, se realizó el estudio de las cadenas de valor que se
encuentran vinculadas a la entidad, enfocándose en el servicio de inscripción
registral como una de las actividades misionales que lleva a cabo. A través de la
investigación documental y de campo se determinó que existe un alto índice de
observaciones en el Registro de Predios en las Zonas Registrales IX y XII de la
entidad en el periodo 2017-2018, a partir de lo cual se construyó la arquitectura del
problema, estableciendo la participación de los principales actores, la magnitud del
problema, el marco institucional y normativo en el que se desenvuelve, entre otros
aspectos relevantes. Del mismo modo, a través de metodología mixta, se efectuó el
estudio de las causas del problema determinándose que, la principal es la excesiva
discrecionalidad del registrador público en la calificación de las solicitudes de
inscripción. Ante ello se planteó el desafió de innovación para abordar el problema
de modo tal que se pueda brindar un mejor servicio a los ciudadanos. La propuesta
se enfoca en la automatización del procedimiento de calificación e inscripción, con
una mayor intervención por parte de los intervinientes en el procedimiento, a través
del uso de proformas simplificadas en plataformas digitales, lo que permite reducir
el margen de discrecionalidad del Registrador Público, concluyéndose que se trata
de un proyecto, deseable, factible y viable según opinión de especialistas y público
en general.
The purpose of this work is to develop an innovation project to improve the service of registration in the Registry of Property of The National Superintendency of Public Registries (SUNARP), who have the charge of providing legal security through the registration and publicity of the acts and contracts that people celebrate in the real estate sector in the national territory, developing a transcendental activity for the country. In order to determine the problem, the study was carried out through the determination of the value chains that are linked to the entity, focusing on the registration service as one of the mission activities. Through the paperwork and field study, it has been found a high rate of observations in the Land Registry, in the period 2017-2018, building the architecture on that base, establishing the participation of the main actors, the magnitude of the problem, the institutional and regulatory framework in which it operates, among other relevant aspects. In the same way, through a blended methodology, we made the study of the causes of the problem, determining that the main cause is the excessive discretion of the public registrar in the qualification of applications for registration. In this context, we posed a challenge of innovation in order to give a better service for the citizens. The proposal is focused on the automation of the qualification and registration procedure, with a greater intervention by those involved in the procedure, through the use of simplified forms on digital platforms, which allow us reducing the margin of discretion of the Public Registrar, concluding that this is a project, desirable, feasible and viable in the opinion of specialists and the general public.
The purpose of this work is to develop an innovation project to improve the service of registration in the Registry of Property of The National Superintendency of Public Registries (SUNARP), who have the charge of providing legal security through the registration and publicity of the acts and contracts that people celebrate in the real estate sector in the national territory, developing a transcendental activity for the country. In order to determine the problem, the study was carried out through the determination of the value chains that are linked to the entity, focusing on the registration service as one of the mission activities. Through the paperwork and field study, it has been found a high rate of observations in the Land Registry, in the period 2017-2018, building the architecture on that base, establishing the participation of the main actors, the magnitude of the problem, the institutional and regulatory framework in which it operates, among other relevant aspects. In the same way, through a blended methodology, we made the study of the causes of the problem, determining that the main cause is the excessive discretion of the public registrar in the qualification of applications for registration. In this context, we posed a challenge of innovation in order to give a better service for the citizens. The proposal is focused on the automation of the qualification and registration procedure, with a greater intervention by those involved in the procedure, through the use of simplified forms on digital platforms, which allow us reducing the margin of discretion of the Public Registrar, concluding that this is a project, desirable, feasible and viable in the opinion of specialists and the general public.
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