Modelo prolab: Smartwasi, un emprendimiento enfocado en el desarrollo de competencias prácticas en los estudiantes universitarios de Gestión y Administración en Perú mediante la implementación de proyectos en MIPYMES
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el ecosistema empresarial cada vez más competitivo y dinámico, surgen nuevos
modelos de negocios que deben demostrar su capacidad de adaptación a escenarios inciertos y
satisfacer las cambiantes demandas de los consumidores. En este contexto, los jóvenes
estudiantes universitarios se enfrentan a una realidad desafiante: la falta de oportunidades para
poner en práctica los conocimientos adquiridos en su formación teórica. La brecha entre lo que
han aprendido y la realidad operativa de las empresas se traduce en un aumento del desempleo
entre este grupo demográfico.
En respuesta a esta problemática identificada entre los jóvenes universitarios, surge
Smartwasi como un emprendimiento innovador con la misión de empoderar a estudiantes y
egresados de las carreras de Gestión y Administración en universidades peruanas. La propuesta
de valor se centra en el fortalecimiento de sus competencias prácticas a través de la
implementación de proyectos destinados a abordar diversos desafíos en el sector de pequeñas
y microempresas en el Perú con un diseño centrado en las necesidades del usuario. Este enfoque
no solo proporciona un impulso significativo a sus perspectivas empresariales, sino que
también contribuye a mejorar la empleabilidad de la comunidad estudiantil y de egresados
proporcionando experiencia laboral, mediante el desarrollo de portafolios de proyectos.
Para validar la creación de Smartwasi, se llevó a cabo un estudio de mercado que tiene
como objetivo identificar las necesidades de los usuarios. Este estudio incluye la evaluación de
la viabilidad de la solución propuesta mediante la realización de encuestas y conversatorios
virtuales. Además, se realizó un análisis financiero exhaustivo con el propósito de establecer
un modelo de negocio sostenible a largo plazo. Este enfoque no solo busca garantizar la
viabilidad económica de Smartwasi, sino también asegurar que la iniciativa tenga un impacto
social significativo en la formación de profesionales altamente competentes. Estos
profesionales, a su vez, contribuirán al desarrollo económico sostenible del país.
In an increasingly competitive and dynamic business ecosystem, new business models emerge that must demonstrate their ability to adapt to uncertain scenarios and meet the changing demands of consumers. In this context, young university students face a challenging reality: the lack of opportunities to apply the knowledge acquired in their theoretical education. The gap between what they have learned and the operational reality of businesses translates into an increase in unemployment among this demographic group. In response to this identified issue among young university students, Smartwasi emerges as an innovative venture with the mission of empowering students and graduates from Management and Administration programs in Peruvian universities. The value proposition focuses on strengthening their practical skills through the implementation of projects aimed at addressing various challenges in the small and micro-enterprise sector in Peru, with a user- centric design. This approach not only provides a significant boost to their entrepreneurial prospects but also contributes to improving the employability of the student and graduate community by providing work experience through the development of project portfolios. To validate the creation of Smartwasi, a market study was conducted with the aim of identifying user needs. This study includes the assessment of the feasibility of the proposed solution through surveys and virtual discussions. Furthermore, a comprehensive financial analysis was conducted to establish a sustainable long-term business model. This approach not only seeks to ensure the economic viability of Smartwasi but also to ensure that the initiative has a significant social impact on the training of highly competent professionals. These professionals, in turn, will contribute to the sustainable economic development of the country.
In an increasingly competitive and dynamic business ecosystem, new business models emerge that must demonstrate their ability to adapt to uncertain scenarios and meet the changing demands of consumers. In this context, young university students face a challenging reality: the lack of opportunities to apply the knowledge acquired in their theoretical education. The gap between what they have learned and the operational reality of businesses translates into an increase in unemployment among this demographic group. In response to this identified issue among young university students, Smartwasi emerges as an innovative venture with the mission of empowering students and graduates from Management and Administration programs in Peruvian universities. The value proposition focuses on strengthening their practical skills through the implementation of projects aimed at addressing various challenges in the small and micro-enterprise sector in Peru, with a user- centric design. This approach not only provides a significant boost to their entrepreneurial prospects but also contributes to improving the employability of the student and graduate community by providing work experience through the development of project portfolios. To validate the creation of Smartwasi, a market study was conducted with the aim of identifying user needs. This study includes the assessment of the feasibility of the proposed solution through surveys and virtual discussions. Furthermore, a comprehensive financial analysis was conducted to establish a sustainable long-term business model. This approach not only seeks to ensure the economic viability of Smartwasi but also to ensure that the initiative has a significant social impact on the training of highly competent professionals. These professionals, in turn, will contribute to the sustainable economic development of the country.
Palabras clave
Estudiantes universitarios--Aspectos laborales--Perú, Juventud--Empleo--Perú, Mercadeo personal, Habilidades sociales
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