Planeamiento estratégico de Financiera Oh! S. A.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente tesis desarrolló el plan estratégico de financiera Oh! (en adelante, “Oh!”),
en un horizonte de tiempo de cinco años. Para su desarrollo se ha usado el modelo de
propuesta por el doctor Fernando D'Alessio, el cual nos ha permitido generar el desarrollo de
las estrategias y los objetivos a largo plazo de la empresa.
En ese sentido, se ha realizado un análisis de la empresa para identificar sus factores
externos en el entorno financiero de Perú, obteniendo siete oportunidades, de las cuales
hemos considerando las siguientes con más alta puntuación: (a) Aumento de la demanda
interna que llevará a la necesidad de contar con mayor financiamiento, (b) El aumento del
PBI, (c) Aumento de la población con edad de estar activos en el sector financiero, (d)
Aumento del poder adquisitivo de la población, entre otras y siete amenazas dentro de las que
debemos de resaltar (a) Falta de ingreso a la era digital, (b) Ingreso de nuevas entidades
financieras como competencia, (c) Conflictos políticos, incertidumbre y desaceleración de las
inversiones, entre otros. Por otro lado, en el análisis de Oh! y de la competencia se han
generado siete factores clave de éxito: (a) Participación del mercado Financiero, (b) Tasa de
Crecimiento de la industria financiera, (c) Alianzas estratégicas (d) Atención al Cliente, (e)
Tasas de Interés, (f) Uso de tecnología en la industria y (g) Clientes en Riesgo y no pago,
estos factores han permitido tener una visión de cuál es la posición de Oh! dentro del País
frente a otras entidades financieras vinculadas al sector. En relación; a los factores internos se
han identificado once fortalezas sobresaliendo con mayor puntuación las siguientes: (a) Gran
oferta de valor para sus clientes, (b) Pertenecer a uno de los principales grupos económicos
del país, (c) Presencia en los retail más importantes del Perú, (d) Crecimiento sostenido y
positivo en sus ingresos financieros, (e) Utilidades, ROAA y ROEE en crecimiento, entre
otros y seis debilidades (a) Bajo nivel de Satisfacción en el servicio de atención al cliente, (b)
Operaciones centralizadas, (c) Alta rotación en fuerza de ventas, (d) Caída de sistemas constantes, entre otros que permitirán ver su importante crecimiento en el sector y en el
mercado. Es importante indicar, que estos tres análisis han generado las siguientes 11
estrategias a cumplir alineadas con la visión de Oh! : (a) Desarrollar nuevos productos para
los futuros potenciales clientes, productos como: seguros de vida, fondo de ahorros, tarjetas
de débito (bancarización de clientes), (b) Generar penetración de mercado a través alianzas
estratégicas con establecimientos como cadenas de consumo, hoteles, restaurantes, agencias
de viajes, (c) Generar promociones de acuerdo al perfil del cliente, (d) Utilizar la plataforma
digital para la captación de nuevos clientes, (e) Incentivar el uso de la tecnología por parte de
los clientes generando canales de autoatención reduciendo costos de operación y ahorrándoles
tiempo a los clientes, (f) Segmentar a los clientes otorgando diferentes tasas de interés para
atraer a más clientes, previa evaluación, (g) Apertura nuevas agencias en cada nuevo Oechsle,
Plaza Vea y Promart (h) Desarrollar un programa de educación financiera tradicional y digital
para los clientes, mejorando la valoración y recomendación de los clientes, (i) Ingresar
regiones donde aún no tiene presencia; aumentando colocación de tarjetas, aumentando la
productividad de cada ejecutivo de ventas con mejores escalas remunerativas, (j ) Desarrollar
alianzas con empresas estratégicas para impulsar el uso de tarjetas de crédito Oh! como
principal medio de pago en las compras electrónicas de los clientes (k ) Generar plan de
contingencia para reducir el impacto económico frente a desastres naturales o tecnológicos
(Hackers). En adición, en el plan estratégico se han generado las siguientes seis Estrategias de
Largo Plazo (ELP): (a) Oh!, para el 2025, debe tener en el mercado 1’879,000 tarjetas, con lo
cual incrementará su participación. Al cierre del 2019 cuenta con 1'122,000 tarjetas en el
mercado, (b) Al 2025, Oh! , se debe disminuir los gastos reduciéndolo a S/ 182’000,000. Al
cierre del año 2019 mantienen un gasto de S/ 248’120,000, (c) Al 2025, Oh!, debe de
incrementar sus desembolsos de crédito efectivo a S/ 1 400’ 000, 000. Su saldo actual en
crédito de efectivo S/ 845’000,000, (d) Para el 2025, Financiera Oh! debe atender al 70% de sus clientes post venta, por los canales digitales, actualmente solo son atendidos por este canal
el 5% de sus clientes, (e) Al 2025, Oh! debe incrementar su participación en las ventas
digitales de las tiendas retail y otras a un 30%, actualmente solo participa con el 5% y (f) Al
2025, Oh! debe de incrementar el nivel de satisfacción y recomendación al 40% (NPS), con el
fin de mejorar la experiencia del cliente en los diferentes canales, actualmente el NPS es de
15%, deberán implementarse a largo plazo como oportunidades para la empresa.
Finalmente, se han identificado 25 Estrategias a Corto Plazo que se deben desarrollar,
implementar y controlar en un menor tiempo para su retroalimentación de Oh!
This thesis developed the strategic planning of the Financial company Oh! (Henceforth, named “Oh!”) within a five year time horizon. For its development, we have used the proposal model of the Ph. Fernando D'Alessio, which has permitted to develop the business's strategies and long term objectives. In this sense, an analysis of the company has been carried out to identify its external factors in the financial environment of Peru, obtaining seven opportunities , of which we have considered the following with the highest score: (a) Increase in internal demand that will lead to the need for greater financing, (b) The increase in PBI, (c) Increase in the population with an age of being active in the financial sector, (d) Increase in the purchasing power of the population, among others, and seven threats Among which we must highlight (a) Lack of entry into the digital age, (b) Entry of new financial entities as competition, (c) Political conflicts, uncertainty and slowdown in investments, among others. On the other hand, in the analysis of Oh! and from the competition, seven key success factors have been generated : (a) Financial market participation, (b) Growth rate of the financial industry, (c) Strategic alliances (d) Customer Service, (e) Interest Rates , (f) Use of technology in the industry and (g) Clients at Risk and non-payment, these factors have allowed us to have a vision of the position of Oh! Within the country compared to other financial entities linked to the sector. In relation; to internal factors has n identified eleven strengths the following stand out with higher scores: (a) Great value offer for its clients, (b) Belonging to one of the main economic groups in the country, (c) Presence in the most important retailers in Peru, (d) Sustained growth and positive in its financial income, (e) Profits, ROAA and ROEE in growth, among others and six weaknesses (a) Low level of Satisfaction in customer service, (b) Centralized operations, (c) High turnover in sales force, (d) Fall of constant systems, among others that will allow to see its important growth in the sector and in the market. It is important to indicate that these three analyzes have generated the following 11 strategies to fulfill aligned with the vision of Oh! : (a) Develop new products for potential future clients, products such as: life insurance, savings fund, debit cards (customer banking), (b) Generate market penetration through strategic alliances with establishments such as consumer chains , hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, (c) Generate promotions according to the client's profile, (d) Use the digital platform to attract new clients, (e) Encourage the use of technology by clients, generating self-service channels reducing operating costs and saving clients time , (f) Segmenting clients by granting different interest rates to attract more clients, after evaluation, (g) Opening new agencies in each new Oechsle, Plaza Vea and Promart (h) Develop a traditional and digital financial education program for clients, improving client evaluation and recommendation, (i) Enter regions where they have not yet it has a presence; increasing card placement, increasing the productivity of each sales executive with better pay scales, (j) Developing alliances with strategic companies to promote the use of credit cards Oh! As the main means of payment in electronic purchases from clients (k) Generate a contingency plan to reduce the economic impact in the face of natural or technological disasters (Hackers). In addition, the following six Long-Term Strategies (ELP) have been generated in the strategic plan: (a) Oh!, by 2025, you must have 1,879,000 cards in the market, which will increase your participation. At the end of 2019, it has 1,122,000 cards in the market, (b) As of 2025, Oh! , expenses must be reduced, reducing it to S / 182'000,000. At the end of 2019 they maintain an expense of S / 248'120,000, (c) by 2025, Oh!, you must increase your cash credit disbursements to S / 1,400,000,000. Your current balance in cash credit S / 845'000,000, (d) by 2025, Financier Oh! It must serve 70% of its customers after sales, through digital channels, currently only 5% of its customers are served by this channel, (e) by 2025, Oh! must increase its participation in digital sales of retail stores and others to 30%, currently only participates with 5% and (f) by 2025, Oh! must increase the level of satisfaction and recommendation to 40% (NPS), in order to improve the customer experience in the different channels, currently the NPS is 15%, they must be implemented in the long term as opportunities for the company. Finally, 25 Short Term Strategies have been identified that must be developed, implemented and controlled in less time for feedback from Oh!
This thesis developed the strategic planning of the Financial company Oh! (Henceforth, named “Oh!”) within a five year time horizon. For its development, we have used the proposal model of the Ph. Fernando D'Alessio, which has permitted to develop the business's strategies and long term objectives. In this sense, an analysis of the company has been carried out to identify its external factors in the financial environment of Peru, obtaining seven opportunities , of which we have considered the following with the highest score: (a) Increase in internal demand that will lead to the need for greater financing, (b) The increase in PBI, (c) Increase in the population with an age of being active in the financial sector, (d) Increase in the purchasing power of the population, among others, and seven threats Among which we must highlight (a) Lack of entry into the digital age, (b) Entry of new financial entities as competition, (c) Political conflicts, uncertainty and slowdown in investments, among others. On the other hand, in the analysis of Oh! and from the competition, seven key success factors have been generated : (a) Financial market participation, (b) Growth rate of the financial industry, (c) Strategic alliances (d) Customer Service, (e) Interest Rates , (f) Use of technology in the industry and (g) Clients at Risk and non-payment, these factors have allowed us to have a vision of the position of Oh! Within the country compared to other financial entities linked to the sector. In relation; to internal factors has n identified eleven strengths the following stand out with higher scores: (a) Great value offer for its clients, (b) Belonging to one of the main economic groups in the country, (c) Presence in the most important retailers in Peru, (d) Sustained growth and positive in its financial income, (e) Profits, ROAA and ROEE in growth, among others and six weaknesses (a) Low level of Satisfaction in customer service, (b) Centralized operations, (c) High turnover in sales force, (d) Fall of constant systems, among others that will allow to see its important growth in the sector and in the market. It is important to indicate that these three analyzes have generated the following 11 strategies to fulfill aligned with the vision of Oh! : (a) Develop new products for potential future clients, products such as: life insurance, savings fund, debit cards (customer banking), (b) Generate market penetration through strategic alliances with establishments such as consumer chains , hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, (c) Generate promotions according to the client's profile, (d) Use the digital platform to attract new clients, (e) Encourage the use of technology by clients, generating self-service channels reducing operating costs and saving clients time , (f) Segmenting clients by granting different interest rates to attract more clients, after evaluation, (g) Opening new agencies in each new Oechsle, Plaza Vea and Promart (h) Develop a traditional and digital financial education program for clients, improving client evaluation and recommendation, (i) Enter regions where they have not yet it has a presence; increasing card placement, increasing the productivity of each sales executive with better pay scales, (j) Developing alliances with strategic companies to promote the use of credit cards Oh! As the main means of payment in electronic purchases from clients (k) Generate a contingency plan to reduce the economic impact in the face of natural or technological disasters (Hackers). In addition, the following six Long-Term Strategies (ELP) have been generated in the strategic plan: (a) Oh!, by 2025, you must have 1,879,000 cards in the market, which will increase your participation. At the end of 2019, it has 1,122,000 cards in the market, (b) As of 2025, Oh! , expenses must be reduced, reducing it to S / 182'000,000. At the end of 2019 they maintain an expense of S / 248'120,000, (c) by 2025, Oh!, you must increase your cash credit disbursements to S / 1,400,000,000. Your current balance in cash credit S / 845'000,000, (d) by 2025, Financier Oh! It must serve 70% of its customers after sales, through digital channels, currently only 5% of its customers are served by this channel, (e) by 2025, Oh! must increase its participation in digital sales of retail stores and others to 30%, currently only participates with 5% and (f) by 2025, Oh! must increase the level of satisfaction and recommendation to 40% (NPS), in order to improve the customer experience in the different channels, currently the NPS is 15%, they must be implemented in the long term as opportunities for the company. Finally, 25 Short Term Strategies have been identified that must be developed, implemented and controlled in less time for feedback from Oh!