Optimización del procedimiento para enfrentar la reducida calidad del análisis de riesgos y amenazas realizada por la DIVPEICC-DIRCOCOR para la protección policial de los testigos y colaboradores en los procesos penales de colusión, en Lima Metropolitana entre los años 2020 - 2022
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
El delito de colusión es un ilícito que últimamente ha cobrado suma importancia,
pues, dentro de la gama de aquellos contemplados en nuestro ordenamiento, entre
ellos los delitos de corrupción de funcionarios, es el de mayor índice estadístico y el
que ha generado mayor detrimento al erario nacional. Esto en razón que los
funcionarios públicos en contubernio con los proveedores de bienes, obras y
servicios han encontrado en la hacienda pública un botín para acrecentar su
patrimonio ilícitamente, perjudicando directamente a la ciudadanía en general, pues
ven truncadas sus aspiraciones de obtener servicios públicos de calidad.
Para combatir este flagelo, se ha implementado una serie de herramientas
normativas que involucran las denominadas “delaciones”, convirtiéndose en
mecanismos útiles para la investigación del crimen organizado vinculados a la
corrupción, pues, el uso de esta técnica ha permitido denunciar a muchos
funcionarios, incluso de alto nivel como ex presidentes, ex ministros, congresistas y
otros, en razón de los beneficios penitenciarios ofrecidos legalmente a los
aspirantes involucrados en dichos procesos. No obstante, para la utilización de esta
técnica se requiere fortalecer el Programa de Protección de Testigos y
Colaboradores, a fin de que se torne atractivo para los aspirantes a dicho programa,
reduciendo los riesgos a estarían expuestos en contra de su integridad personal y la
de su entorno cercano.
Si bien es cierto, el programa es útil, también se ha constatado que existen
deficiencias en los denominados análisis de riesgo y su aplicación integral, los
cuales serán abordados en el presente trabajo, proponiéndose un prototipo que
pueda agilizar y mejorar el procedimiento de análisis elaborando informes de riesgo
que cuenten con sustento técnico objetivo, con valoración a cada criterio de
The crime of collusion is an offense that has recently gained great importance, since, within the range of those contemplated in our system, among them the crimes of corruption of officials, it is the one with the highest statistical index and the one that has generated the greatest detriment to the national treasury. This is because public officials in collusion with the suppliers of goods, works and services have found in the public treasury a loot to increase their assets illicitly, directly harming citizens in general, since they see their aspirations to obtain public services cut short quality To combat this scourge, a series of regulatory tools have been implemented that involve the so-called “reports”, becoming useful mechanisms for the investigation of organized crime linked to corruption, since the use of this technique has allowed many officials to be denounced, even high-level ones such as former presidents, former ministers, congressmen and others, due to the prison benefits legally offered to the candidates involved in said processes. However, to use this technique, it is necessary to strengthen the Witness and Collaborator Protection Program, so that it becomes attractive to applicants for said program, reducing the risks they would be exposed to their personal integrity and that of others. their close environment. Although it is true that the program is useful, it has also been found that there are deficiencies in the so-called risk analysis and its comprehensive application, which will be addressed in this work, proposing a prototype that can streamline and improve the analysis procedure by developing risk reports that have objective technical support, with assessment of each evaluation criterion.
The crime of collusion is an offense that has recently gained great importance, since, within the range of those contemplated in our system, among them the crimes of corruption of officials, it is the one with the highest statistical index and the one that has generated the greatest detriment to the national treasury. This is because public officials in collusion with the suppliers of goods, works and services have found in the public treasury a loot to increase their assets illicitly, directly harming citizens in general, since they see their aspirations to obtain public services cut short quality To combat this scourge, a series of regulatory tools have been implemented that involve the so-called “reports”, becoming useful mechanisms for the investigation of organized crime linked to corruption, since the use of this technique has allowed many officials to be denounced, even high-level ones such as former presidents, former ministers, congressmen and others, due to the prison benefits legally offered to the candidates involved in said processes. However, to use this technique, it is necessary to strengthen the Witness and Collaborator Protection Program, so that it becomes attractive to applicants for said program, reducing the risks they would be exposed to their personal integrity and that of others. their close environment. Although it is true that the program is useful, it has also been found that there are deficiencies in the so-called risk analysis and its comprehensive application, which will be addressed in this work, proposing a prototype that can streamline and improve the analysis procedure by developing risk reports that have objective technical support, with assessment of each evaluation criterion.
Palabras clave
Testigos--Perú, Delitos de los funcionarios--Perú, Investigación criminal--Perú
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