Modelo prolab: SigueYconsigue, una propuesta sostenible de ahorro y reducción de desperdicios
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el Perú se estima que 12’8 millones de toneladas de alimentos se desperdician a lo largo
de la cadena desde que se produce hasta que llega al consumidor final (De la Barrera, 2021).
SigueYconsigue es una aplicación orientada a los dueños de bodegas y/o minimarkets que
actualmente tienen que descartar varios productos ya sea por próxima fecha de vencimiento o
por algún desperfecto en el envase y que preferirían comercializarlos a un precio
diferenciado, en una plataforma ágil, de fácil acceso e interacción con los usuarios. La
propuesta de negocio está alineada a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) número
12 “Producción y consumo responsable” al número 02 “Hambre cero” y al número 08
“Trabajo decente y crecimiento económico”. La deseabilidad del proyecto se validó a través
de encuestas en donde se observó que un 70% de consumidores estaría dispuesto a comprar
productos próximos a descartar, de buena calidad, a un menor precio. También se validó que
un 60% de las personas estaría dispuesta a realizar estas compras a través de una plataforma
y, por último, a través de las entrevistas, se validó que los bodegueros y/o minimarkets
estarían dispuestos a pagar un fee del 5% sobre sus ventas realizadas. Respecto a la
factibilidad, a través de la simulación MonteCarlo, se validó que el valor del tiempo de vida
del cliente es mayor al costo de adquisición del cliente. El proyecto comenzará en la ciudad
de Arequipa, donde actualmente no existe ningún proyecto similar y posteriormente se
ingresará al mercado de Lima. Por último, para la viabilidad se calculó el Van Financiero
VANF a cinco años, alcanzando un monto de S/ 3’019,849 y una TIRF del 112%, así como
también un Van Social VANS S/ 8’258,137 por lo que concluimos que es un proyecto
socialmente responsable, sostenible y escalable.
In Peru, calculations show that 12’8 million tons of food are wasted throughout the chain of production, since the production itself until it reaches the final consumer (De la Barrera, 2021). “SigueYconsigue” is an app intended for the owners of minimarkets who currently have to discard products, either due to an upcoming expiration date or due to some damage to the packaging, and who would rather offer them at a differentiated price, on a flexible, easily accessible platform for the users. This business proposal is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) number 12 "Responsible production and consumption" to number 02 "Zero hunger" and number 08 "Decent work and economic growth". The desirability of the project was validated through surveys, concluding that 70% of consumers would be willing to buy at a lower price, good quality products close to being discarded. It was also confirmed that 60% of the people would be willing to make these purchases through a platform and, finally, through the interviews done by the investigators, it was confirmed that the owners of “bodegas” and Minimarkets would be willing to pay a 5% fee on their sales made through the app. Regarding the feasibility, using the MonteCarlo simulation method we can conclude that the value of the customer's lifetime is greater than the cost of acquiring the customer. The project will be stablished in the city of Arequipa for a start, where currently there is no similar Project undergoing, and later it will be introduced to the Lima market. Finally, for viability, the Financial Van VANF at 05 years was calculated, reaching S/ 3’019,849 and a TIRF of 112%, as well as a Social Van VANS of S/ 8’258,137, so we can conclude that this project is socially responsible, sustainable and scalable.
In Peru, calculations show that 12’8 million tons of food are wasted throughout the chain of production, since the production itself until it reaches the final consumer (De la Barrera, 2021). “SigueYconsigue” is an app intended for the owners of minimarkets who currently have to discard products, either due to an upcoming expiration date or due to some damage to the packaging, and who would rather offer them at a differentiated price, on a flexible, easily accessible platform for the users. This business proposal is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) number 12 "Responsible production and consumption" to number 02 "Zero hunger" and number 08 "Decent work and economic growth". The desirability of the project was validated through surveys, concluding that 70% of consumers would be willing to buy at a lower price, good quality products close to being discarded. It was also confirmed that 60% of the people would be willing to make these purchases through a platform and, finally, through the interviews done by the investigators, it was confirmed that the owners of “bodegas” and Minimarkets would be willing to pay a 5% fee on their sales made through the app. Regarding the feasibility, using the MonteCarlo simulation method we can conclude that the value of the customer's lifetime is greater than the cost of acquiring the customer. The project will be stablished in the city of Arequipa for a start, where currently there is no similar Project undergoing, and later it will be introduced to the Lima market. Finally, for viability, the Financial Van VANF at 05 years was calculated, reaching S/ 3’019,849 and a TIRF of 112%, as well as a Social Van VANS of S/ 8’258,137, so we can conclude that this project is socially responsible, sustainable and scalable.
Palabras clave
Negocios--Planificación, Innovaciones tecnológicas--Administración, Bodegas--Administración, Bodegas--Perú, Bodegas--Aspectos económicos--Perú--Lima, Alimentos--Industria y comercio--Perú
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