Independencia regional, orden político y relaciones internacionales
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Las repúblicas que emergieron de la independencia hispanoamericana conformaron un orden regional caracterizado tanto por la precariedad de sus miembros como por su desventajosa posición internacional. El abrupto colapso de la estructura imperial a la que pertenecieron y la gran transformación de la modernidad, que modificaron los paradigmas globales a los que estos territorios se habían adaptado durante todo el período colonial, se tradujeron en desafíos para los que no estaban preparadas y que amenazaron su viabilidad. Este ensayo ofrece una primera aproximación a esta compleja problemática.
The Latin-American republics that emerged from Independence formed a regional order characterized by the precariousness of its members, as well as a disadvantageous international position. The abrupt collapse of the imperial structure they belonged to and modernity’s great transformation, which modified the global patterns that those territories had adapted to during colonial rule, expressed themselves in challenges they were not prepared for and threatened their viability. This essay offers an initial approach to that complex issue.
The Latin-American republics that emerged from Independence formed a regional order characterized by the precariousness of its members, as well as a disadvantageous international position. The abrupt collapse of the imperial structure they belonged to and modernity’s great transformation, which modified the global patterns that those territories had adapted to during colonial rule, expressed themselves in challenges they were not prepared for and threatened their viability. This essay offers an initial approach to that complex issue.
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