Beca vocación de maestro: un análisis de correspondencia entre necesidades y servicios como una vía para la permanencia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Beca Vocación de Maestro: un análisis de correspondencia entre necesidades y
servicios como una vía para la permanencia es una investigación que busca
examinar si los servicios que otorga la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú a los
beneficiarios de la citada beca, están logrando aportar en su permanencia; en la medida
en que correspondan a las necesidades de los estudiantes, teniendo en cuenta sus
características. A partir de lo descrito, la presente tesis se propone determinar los
factores críticos que condicionan la permanencia de los becarios a través del análisis de
la relación entre las necesidades de ellos como estudiantes y los servicios que les ofrece
la universidad, de manera contingencial a los que les ofrece la propia beca.
La investigación se realiza en el contexto de la propuesta que plantea Sen (2009) sobre
el desarrollo humano, colocando como centro la ampliación de libertades de las
personas a partir del fortalecimiento de sus capacidades, para “ser y hacer”. Asimismo,
a partir de la teoría que propone Kelley (2002) sobre la influencia del Diseño Centrado
en la Persona, como método que contribuye a la Innovación Social, entendiéndose a
esta última como la implementación de nuevos modelos para satisfacer las necesidades
sociales (OCDE, 2009), mejorando la eficacia de la acción pública (CEPAL, 2008).
El presente estudio es de tipo cualitativo y para su realización ha empleado herramientas
tales como la revisión documental, la aplicación de entrevistas y encuestas. Desde el
enfoque de Gerencia Social, las autoras describen, exploran, analizan y relacionan los
procesos de gestión de los servicios y su relación con las necesidades de los becarios.
Asimismo, desde el enfoque de la Innovación Social, el propósito es analizar el potencial
de acciones que –diseñadas con centro en las personas- coadyuven a acrecentar la
eficacia de la política pública de acceso a la educación superior con equidad, en favor
de los jóvenes beneficiarios de la Beca Vocación de Maestros, quienes pertenecen a un
grupo poblacional del país altamente vulnerable. Sobre esa base, se formula una
propuesta para mejorar y reforzar los procesos gerenciales para su efectividad.
Beca Vocación de Maestro, an analysis of correspondence between needs and services as a way of permanence is an investigation that seeks to examine if the services that the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Perú grants to the beneficiaries of the aforementioned scholarship, are managing to contribute in their permanence; insofar as they correspond to the needs of the students, taking into account their characteristics. Based on what has been described, this thesis proposes to determine the critical factors that condition the permanence of scholarship holders through the analysis of the relationship between their needs as students and the services offered by the university, contingently to the students. offered by the scholarship itself. The research is carried out in the context of the proposal that Sen (2009) raises on human development, placing as the center the expansion of people's freedoms from the strengthening of their capacities, to “be and do”. Likewise, based on the theory proposed by Kelley (2002) on the influence of Person-Centered Design, as a method that contributes to Social Innovation, the latter being understood as the implementation of new models to satisfy social needs (OECD, 2009), improving the effectiveness of public action (ECLAC, 2008). The present study is of a qualitative type and for its realization it has used tools such as the documentary review, the application of interviews and surveys. From the Social Management approach, the authors describe, explore, analyze and relate the service management processes and their relationship with the needs of the scholarship recipients. The purpose is to analyze the potential of actions that contribute to increasing the effectiveness of the public policy of access to higher education with equity, in favor of the young beneficiaries of the Vocation of Teachers Grant, who belong to a highly vulnerable population group of the country . On this basis, a proposal is formulated to improve and strengthen management processes for their effectiveness.
Beca Vocación de Maestro, an analysis of correspondence between needs and services as a way of permanence is an investigation that seeks to examine if the services that the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Perú grants to the beneficiaries of the aforementioned scholarship, are managing to contribute in their permanence; insofar as they correspond to the needs of the students, taking into account their characteristics. Based on what has been described, this thesis proposes to determine the critical factors that condition the permanence of scholarship holders through the analysis of the relationship between their needs as students and the services offered by the university, contingently to the students. offered by the scholarship itself. The research is carried out in the context of the proposal that Sen (2009) raises on human development, placing as the center the expansion of people's freedoms from the strengthening of their capacities, to “be and do”. Likewise, based on the theory proposed by Kelley (2002) on the influence of Person-Centered Design, as a method that contributes to Social Innovation, the latter being understood as the implementation of new models to satisfy social needs (OECD, 2009), improving the effectiveness of public action (ECLAC, 2008). The present study is of a qualitative type and for its realization it has used tools such as the documentary review, the application of interviews and surveys. From the Social Management approach, the authors describe, explore, analyze and relate the service management processes and their relationship with the needs of the scholarship recipients. The purpose is to analyze the potential of actions that contribute to increasing the effectiveness of the public policy of access to higher education with equity, in favor of the young beneficiaries of the Vocation of Teachers Grant, who belong to a highly vulnerable population group of the country . On this basis, a proposal is formulated to improve and strengthen management processes for their effectiveness.
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