Índice de progreso social de la provincia de Paita
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El progreso social es un tema fundamental para el desarrollo del país, y las
instituciones públicas y privadas lo han convertido como un punto de agenda indispensable.
En este contexto, se requiere una información confiable que permita tener el soporte a los
planes de acción para mejorar el bienestar de las personas y crear oportunidades para el
desarrollo personal y profesional. La institución Social Progress Imperative creó una
herramienta llamada Índice de Progresión Social (IPS), cuyo objetivo es medir el desarrollo
de una localidad a partir de un modelo holístico que comprende tres dimensiones:
Necesidades Humanas Básicas, Fundamentos de Bienestar y Oportunidades.
El propósito de la presente investigación es medir el progreso social de la provincia de
Paita y sus siete distritos, ubicados en el departamento de Piura. La investigación tiene un
alcance descriptivo con enfoque cuantitativo y es de tipo no experimental; el proceso de
análisis de la información es transversal, ya que se compila la información de fuentes
secundarias y de la encuesta en tiempo determinado, correspondiente al periodo 2018,
alcanzando un puntaje de 50.51, lo cual muestra un nivel de progreso bajo. En cuanto a sus
dimensiones, el IPS más alto en la provincia de Paita se obtuvo de la dimensión de
Oportunidades, obteniendo un puntaje de 53.52, una calificación baja; por otra parte, la
dimensión de Fundamentos de Bienestar obtuvo el IPS más bajo, con un puntaje del 46.24.
Por último, la dimensión de Necesidades Humanas obtuvo un puntaje de 51.78, calificado
como bajo.
Los principales problemas ubicados por componente se reflejan en la nutrición y
cuidados básicos (15.02 puntos), acceso al conocimiento básico (30.01 puntos) y acceso a la
educación superior (32.92 puntos); los distritos para poder realizar un mejor análisis se han
agrupado por zonas y se ha obtenido los siguientes resultados de IPS: Zona 1 – Paita (50.38) ,
Zona 2- Colán y Arenal (50.71), Zona 3 – La Huaca (54.17) y Zona 4 - Tamarindo, Amotape y Vichayal (48.07), han alcanzado un nivel de IPS bajo; por lo cual, se recomienda que en la
planificación y reajuste de los procedimientos estratégicos locales se contemple un Plan de
Desarrollo Concertado Local y Regional de Piura, así como en los Planes Operativos de las
Instituciones públicas, brindando a su vez alta prioridad, en los componentes mencionados.
La importancia de esta investigación reside en que es la primera vez que se mide el IPS en la
provincia de Paita y sus distritos. Con esta información las instituciones públicas y privadas
podrán tomar decisiones y crear las condiciones necesarias para que los ciudadanos alcancen
su pleno potencial, bajo un contexto de respeto a las libertades y derechos fundamentales.
Social progress is a key element for the development of a country, and both public and private institutions have turned it into an essential topic for the agenda. In this context, reliable information is needed as to have solid support for action plans to improve people’s wellbeing and create opportunities for personal and professional development. The social institution Social Progress Imperative created a tool called Social Progression Index (SPI) whose goal is to measure development of a community, based on a holistic model which includes three dimensions: basic human needs, foundations of well-being, and opportunity. The goal of this paper is to measure social progress in the province of Paita and its seven districts located in the department of Piura. This research has a descriptive scope with a quantitative approach, and its type is nonexperimental. The information analysis process is transversal as it compiles information from secondary sources and from the survey at a determined time, which is 2018, reaching a score of 50.51, which shows a rather low level of progress. Concerning its dimensions, the highest SPI at the province of Paita was gotten from the dimension of Opportunities, reaching a score of 53.52, a low score. On the other hand, the dimension of Foundations of wellbeing got the lowest SPI, scoring 46.24. Ultimately, the dimension of basic human needs got a score of 51.78, considered low. The most appalling problems under each component are detected at nutrition and basic medical care (15.02 points), access to basic knowledge (30.01 points) and access to Advanced Education (32.92 points). The districts for better analysis have been grouped by zones and the following IPS results have been obtained: Zone 1 - Paita (50.38), Zone 2- Colán and Arenal (50.71), Zone 3 - La Huaca (54.17) and Zone 4 - Tamarindo, Amotape and Vichayal (48.07), have reached a low IPS level, it is advisable that a Plan for Local and Regional Concerted Development be considered at the planning and readjustment of local strategic procedures, as well as at the Operational Plans of Public Institutions, prioritizing the aforementioned components. The importance of this piece of research resides in the fact that it is the first time the SPI is measured in the province of Paita and its districts. With this information, public and private institutions will be able to make decisions and create proper conditions for citizens to reach their full potential under a context of respect for liberties and fundamental rights.
Social progress is a key element for the development of a country, and both public and private institutions have turned it into an essential topic for the agenda. In this context, reliable information is needed as to have solid support for action plans to improve people’s wellbeing and create opportunities for personal and professional development. The social institution Social Progress Imperative created a tool called Social Progression Index (SPI) whose goal is to measure development of a community, based on a holistic model which includes three dimensions: basic human needs, foundations of well-being, and opportunity. The goal of this paper is to measure social progress in the province of Paita and its seven districts located in the department of Piura. This research has a descriptive scope with a quantitative approach, and its type is nonexperimental. The information analysis process is transversal as it compiles information from secondary sources and from the survey at a determined time, which is 2018, reaching a score of 50.51, which shows a rather low level of progress. Concerning its dimensions, the highest SPI at the province of Paita was gotten from the dimension of Opportunities, reaching a score of 53.52, a low score. On the other hand, the dimension of Foundations of wellbeing got the lowest SPI, scoring 46.24. Ultimately, the dimension of basic human needs got a score of 51.78, considered low. The most appalling problems under each component are detected at nutrition and basic medical care (15.02 points), access to basic knowledge (30.01 points) and access to Advanced Education (32.92 points). The districts for better analysis have been grouped by zones and the following IPS results have been obtained: Zone 1 - Paita (50.38), Zone 2- Colán and Arenal (50.71), Zone 3 - La Huaca (54.17) and Zone 4 - Tamarindo, Amotape and Vichayal (48.07), have reached a low IPS level, it is advisable that a Plan for Local and Regional Concerted Development be considered at the planning and readjustment of local strategic procedures, as well as at the Operational Plans of Public Institutions, prioritizing the aforementioned components. The importance of this piece of research resides in the fact that it is the first time the SPI is measured in the province of Paita and its districts. With this information, public and private institutions will be able to make decisions and create proper conditions for citizens to reach their full potential under a context of respect for liberties and fundamental rights.
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