Estrategias de autocuidado y Estrés Percibido en practicantes de Psicología Clínica y de la Salud
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Las estrategias de autocuidado en psicólogos clínicos son prácticas deseables para reducir el
estrés y promover su bienestar integral (Colman, et al., 2016). Sin embargo, poco se ha
investigado sobre el estrés experimentado en el contexto de las prácticas pre-profesionales y
el rol del autocuidado en los practicantes de psicología. De esta manera, la presente
investigación buscó identificar la relación entre las estrategias de autocuidado y los niveles de
estrés percibidos en 107 practicantes pre-profesionales de Psicología en contextos clínicos y
de la salud. La muestra estuvo conformada por 81 mujeres y 26 hombres, cuyas edades fueron
entre los 21 y 35 años (M=24.35 años; DE=2.40) provenientes de 3 universidades de Lima
Metropolitana. Se empleó la Escala de Conductas de Autocuidado para Psicólogos Clínicos
(EAP; Guerra, Rodríguez, Morales & Betta, 2008) y la Escala de Estrés Percibido (PSS por
sus siglas en inglés; Cohen, Kamarck & Mermelstein, 1983). Se halló una relación entre
autocuidado y estrés percibido (r=-.36; p<.01). Asimismo, se observaron diferencias
significativas respecto al autocuidado en cuanto al tipo de relación de pareja, al sector del área
de prácticas y al espacio de contención emocional. Además, se hallaron diferencias
significativas sobre el estrés percibido en base a la universidad de procedencia, la
movilización estudiantil y al espacio de contención emocional. Por otra parte, se hallaron
correlaciones significativas entre autocuidado y algunas variables académicas.
Posteriormente, los análisis de regresión encontraron que el autocuidado, la contención
emocional y la movilización predecían el modelo de intensidad del estrés (R
2=.23, p<.001).
The self-care strategies are desirable practices to reduce the stress and to promote the holistic wellness among Clinician Psychologists (Colman, et al., 2016). However, little has been researched about the stress experienced in the context of undergraduate internship and the role of self-care in psychology students. Thus, the present study has the purpose to find about the relationship between the self-care strategies and the perceived stress’ levels in 107 Psychology students who are enrolled in an internship in clinical and health contexts. The sample consisted of 81 women and 26 men, whose ages were between 21 and 35 years (M=24.35 years; DE=2.40), from 3 universities in Metropolitan Lima. The Scale of Self-Care Behaviors for Clinical Psychologists (EAP for its acronym in Spanish; Guerra, Rodríguez, Morales & Betta, 2008) and the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS; Cohen, Kamarck & Mermelstein, 1983) were used. The results suggest a relationship between self-care and perceived stress (r=.36; p<.01). Likewise, significant differences were observed regarding self-care in terms of the type of relationship of couple, the sector of the internship area and the space of emotional support. In addition, significant differences were found on the perceived stress based on university, the student mobilization and the space of emotional support. On the other hand, significant correlations were found between self-care and some academic variables. Subsequently, regression analyzes found that self-care, emotional support and mobilization predicted the stress intensity model (R2=.23, p<.001).
The self-care strategies are desirable practices to reduce the stress and to promote the holistic wellness among Clinician Psychologists (Colman, et al., 2016). However, little has been researched about the stress experienced in the context of undergraduate internship and the role of self-care in psychology students. Thus, the present study has the purpose to find about the relationship between the self-care strategies and the perceived stress’ levels in 107 Psychology students who are enrolled in an internship in clinical and health contexts. The sample consisted of 81 women and 26 men, whose ages were between 21 and 35 years (M=24.35 years; DE=2.40), from 3 universities in Metropolitan Lima. The Scale of Self-Care Behaviors for Clinical Psychologists (EAP for its acronym in Spanish; Guerra, Rodríguez, Morales & Betta, 2008) and the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS; Cohen, Kamarck & Mermelstein, 1983) were used. The results suggest a relationship between self-care and perceived stress (r=.36; p<.01). Likewise, significant differences were observed regarding self-care in terms of the type of relationship of couple, the sector of the internship area and the space of emotional support. In addition, significant differences were found on the perceived stress based on university, the student mobilization and the space of emotional support. On the other hand, significant correlations were found between self-care and some academic variables. Subsequently, regression analyzes found that self-care, emotional support and mobilization predicted the stress intensity model (R2=.23, p<.001).
Palabras clave
Stress (Psicología), Psicología--práctica profesional, Salud mental--Perú
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