Perú: sostenibilidad, balance estructural y propuesta de una regla fiscal
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento de Economía
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El objetivo de este ensayo es proporcionar los elementos metodológicos para la formulación de una regla fiscal contra cíclica vinculada a la sostenibilidad de la política fiscal. Se discute y reformula los métodos conocidos de sostenibilidad basados en la restricción presupuestaria intertemporal del gobierno, tomando en cuenta los dos tipos de deuda pública, interna y externa. El nuevo modelo propuesto capta los efectos de las variaciones en el tipo de cambio y en los diferenciales de las tasas de interés. Por último, se diseña la regla fiscal contraciclica sobre la base del superávit primario permanente que hace sostenible la política fiscal.
The main purpose of this paper is to develop the methodological elements of a counter cyclical fiscal rule interrelated to fiscal sustainability. The well known methods of sustainability based on intertemporal budget restriction, are discussed and reformulated by taking into account the two public debt: foreign an domestic. The new model captures the effects of exchange rate and the differential of the rates of interest variations. Finally, the counter cyclical fiscal rule is built on the basis of the so-called permanent primary surplus which makes sustainable to fiscal policy.
The main purpose of this paper is to develop the methodological elements of a counter cyclical fiscal rule interrelated to fiscal sustainability. The well known methods of sustainability based on intertemporal budget restriction, are discussed and reformulated by taking into account the two public debt: foreign an domestic. The new model captures the effects of exchange rate and the differential of the rates of interest variations. Finally, the counter cyclical fiscal rule is built on the basis of the so-called permanent primary surplus which makes sustainable to fiscal policy.
Palabras clave
Desarrollo sostenible--Perú, Política fiscal--Perú
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