Ciclo de Indagación: metodología para el desarrollo humano desde Enfoque de Capacidades en Educación Primaria
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente estudio explica el ciclo de indagación como metodología para el desarrollo
humano desde el enfoque de capacidades, donde el desarrollo humano es entendido
como el proceso de ampliación de capacidades de las personas, por medio del
desarrollo de su agencia; es decir, como la capacidad de participación autónoma e
informada en la toma de decisiones para el mejoramiento de sus vidas, según el
Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo, 2016. El ciclo de indagación
como metodología de Kath Murdoch (2015) organiza el proceso en seis momentos
que sirven de guía para conducir una indagación conceptual, y al mismo tiempo para
favorecer la reflexión constante. El objetivo de la investigación es explicar de qué
manera el ciclo de la indagación como metodología favorece los aprendizajes para el
desarrollo humano desde el enfoque de capacidades en educación primaria. La
metodología de la investigación aplicada es el análisis documental, de enfoque
cualitativo de tipo descriptivo. Se utilizan las matrices de análisis individual de fuentes
y la matriz de análisis temático. Se reflexiona y explica a profundidad sobre el ciclo de
indagación y cómo el enfoque constructivista lo fundamenta. Asimismo, se explica en
qué consiste el desarrollo humano desde el enfoque de capacidades, y cómo el ciclo
de indagación favorece a este fortalecimiento. La conclusión general del estudio es
que el ciclo de indagación es una metodología del enfoque constructivista que
promueve la ampliación de capacidades intelectuales, socioculturales y emocionales
para alcanzar el desarrollo humano en educación primaria.
The following work explains the inquiry cycle as a methodology for the human development in the capabilities approach, where human development means the process of expanding the human capabilities through the development of their agency, which is the capacity of autonomous and informed participation in the personal decision making in order to have a better life, according to the United Nations Development Programme, 2016 (PNUD in Spanish). The inquiry cycle as a methodology proposed by Kath Murdoch (2015) is organized in six moments that guide the teaching and learning process to develop a conceptual inquire as well as work on a constant reflection. The objective of this investigation is to explain how the inquiry cycle helps the learning process for the human development in the capabilities approach in the primary education. Therefore, it is a qualitative and descriptive research that uses the analysis of documentary sources as methodology. The individual analysis of sources and the thematic analysis matrices are used as tools for the investigation. The work reflects and deeply explains the inquiry cycle and its relationship with constructivism, the human development in the capabilities approach, and how the inquiry cycle supports it. To conclude, the inquiry cycle is a constructivist methodology that promotes the amplification of intellectual, social, cultural, and emotional capabilities for achieving the human development.
The following work explains the inquiry cycle as a methodology for the human development in the capabilities approach, where human development means the process of expanding the human capabilities through the development of their agency, which is the capacity of autonomous and informed participation in the personal decision making in order to have a better life, according to the United Nations Development Programme, 2016 (PNUD in Spanish). The inquiry cycle as a methodology proposed by Kath Murdoch (2015) is organized in six moments that guide the teaching and learning process to develop a conceptual inquire as well as work on a constant reflection. The objective of this investigation is to explain how the inquiry cycle helps the learning process for the human development in the capabilities approach in the primary education. Therefore, it is a qualitative and descriptive research that uses the analysis of documentary sources as methodology. The individual analysis of sources and the thematic analysis matrices are used as tools for the investigation. The work reflects and deeply explains the inquiry cycle and its relationship with constructivism, the human development in the capabilities approach, and how the inquiry cycle supports it. To conclude, the inquiry cycle is a constructivist methodology that promotes the amplification of intellectual, social, cultural, and emotional capabilities for achieving the human development.
Palabras clave
Constructivismo (Educación), Desarrollo humano, Enfoque de las capacidades, Investigación--Metodología
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