La responsabilidad internacional del Perú en el marco del cumplimiento de la obligación internacional de la erradicación de cultivos ilícitos de la hoja de coca durante el periodo 2020-2021
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La pandemia de la COVID – 19 representó un reto para los Estados, en especial
para el cumplimiento de sus obligaciones internacionales en la lucha contra el
Tráfico Ilícito de drogas. En la presente investigación se tiene como objetivo
determinar la responsabilidad internacional del Perú con relación a la obligación
de erradicar los cultivos ilícitos durante el periodo 2020 – 2021, a partir de las
acciones que viene adoptando en la lucha contra este flagelo y que son
reflejadas en los informes realizado por la Oficina de la Política Nacional para el
Control de Drogas de la Casa Blanca de los Estados Unidos de América
(ONDCP) y la Comisión Nacional para el Desarrollo y Vida sin Drogas (DEVIDA).
De acuerdo con los análisis de dichos estudios, se observa que el Perú se
encuentra en estado de incumplimiento con relación a la obligación de
erradicación, debido al exorbitante incremento de los cultivos ilícitos, así como la
situación sanitaria sólo habría agravado las consecuencias de dicha
inobservancia. En ese orden de ideas, el Perú es responsable
internacionalmente y le corresponde cesar con dicho incumplimiento, ofrecer
garantías de no repetición y establecer medidas de satisfacción para la
comunidad internacional declarando la responsabilidad de su incumplimiento.
The COVID-19 pandemic represented a challenge for States, especially for compliance with their international obligations in the fight against Illicit Drug Trafficking. The present investigation aims to determine the international responsibility of Peru in relation to the obligation to eradicate illicit crops during the period 2020 - 2021, based on the actions that it has been adopting in the fight against this scourge and that are reflected in the reports made by the Office of National Policy for Drug Control of the White House of the United States of America (ONDCP) and the National Commission for Development and Life without Drugs (DEVIDA). According to the analyzes of these studies, it is observed that Peru is in a state of non-compliance regarding the obligation of eradication, due to the exorbitant increase in illicit crops, as well as the pandemic would only have aggravated the consequences of such non-observance. In this order of ideas, Peru is internationally responsible, and it is up to it to cease said non-compliance, offer guarantees of non-repetition and establish satisfaction measures for the international community declaring responsibility for its non-compliance.
The COVID-19 pandemic represented a challenge for States, especially for compliance with their international obligations in the fight against Illicit Drug Trafficking. The present investigation aims to determine the international responsibility of Peru in relation to the obligation to eradicate illicit crops during the period 2020 - 2021, based on the actions that it has been adopting in the fight against this scourge and that are reflected in the reports made by the Office of National Policy for Drug Control of the White House of the United States of America (ONDCP) and the National Commission for Development and Life without Drugs (DEVIDA). According to the analyzes of these studies, it is observed that Peru is in a state of non-compliance regarding the obligation of eradication, due to the exorbitant increase in illicit crops, as well as the pandemic would only have aggravated the consequences of such non-observance. In this order of ideas, Peru is internationally responsible, and it is up to it to cease said non-compliance, offer guarantees of non-repetition and establish satisfaction measures for the international community declaring responsibility for its non-compliance.
Palabras clave
Responsabilidad del Estado (Derecho internacional), Drogas--Control--Perú, Coca--Cultivo--Perú
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