Some stylized facts of returns in the foreign exchange and stock markets in Peru
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento de Economía
Utilizando herramientas estadísticas, algunos hechos estilizados del mercado cambiario y bursátil son analizados. Se aplican estadísticos para verificar la presencia de autocrrelación, asimetrías y otras desviaciones respecto de la normalidad de los retornos bursátiles y cambiarios. Asimismo se estiman correlaciones dinámicas y diferentes estimaciones usando kernels para aproximar las diferentes distribuciones empíricas. Las distribuciones de los retornos bursátiles y cambiarios son analizadas utilizando análisis dinámico de la media, la desviación stándard, la skewness y la kurtosis con el objeto de observar si dichos valores son variantes en el tiempo. Los principales resultados revelan diferentes fuentes y tipos de no normalidad en las distribuciones en ambos mercados. En efecto se observan largas colas, exceso de kurtosis, agrupamiento de los retornos y las estimaciones de los momentos no condicionales muestran importantes desviaciones respecto de la normalidad. Finalmente, se observan ciclos en la volatilidad en ambos mercados lo que parece asociado a ciertos eventos macro financieros nacionales e internacionales.
Some stylized facts for foreign exchange and stock market returns are explored using statistical methods. Formal statistics for testing presence of autocorrelation, asymmetry, and other deviations from normality are applied to these financial returns. Dynamic correlations and different kernel estimations and approximations of the empirical distributions are also under scrutiny. Further- more, dynamic analysis of mean, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis are also performed to evaluate time-varying properties in return distributions. Main results reveal different sources and types of non-normality in the return distributions in both markets. Left fat tails, excess kurtosis, return clustering and unconditional time-varying moments show important deviations from normality. Identifiable volatility cycles in both forex and stock markets are associated to common macro financial uncertainty events.
Some stylized facts for foreign exchange and stock market returns are explored using statistical methods. Formal statistics for testing presence of autocorrelation, asymmetry, and other deviations from normality are applied to these financial returns. Dynamic correlations and different kernel estimations and approximations of the empirical distributions are also under scrutiny. Further- more, dynamic analysis of mean, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis are also performed to evaluate time-varying properties in return distributions. Main results reveal different sources and types of non-normality in the return distributions in both markets. Left fat tails, excess kurtosis, return clustering and unconditional time-varying moments show important deviations from normality. Identifiable volatility cycles in both forex and stock markets are associated to common macro financial uncertainty events.
Palabras clave
Tipo de cambio--Perú, Mercado de valores, Desempleo
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