Choques externos y política monetaria
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento de Economía
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Un objetivo de este documento es discutir el impacto macroeconómico que un boom (o una caída) de los precios internacionales de las materias primas de exportación tiene sobre una economía pequeña y abierta que opera en un marco de libre movilidad internacional de los capitales. Para el análisis de los efectos de este choque externo real se utiliza un modelo Mundell-Fleming convenientemente adaptado. Se distinguen dos efectos, el cambiario que perjudica al resto de la economía y el efecto vía la demanda agregada que estimula al resto de la economía. Se compara también el impacto macroeconómico de un choque externo real con el de un choque externo financiero (cambios en la tasa de interés internacional) en una economía dolarizada y con tipo de cambio flexible. El otro objetivo de este documento es mostrar que la intervención esterilizada del banco central en el mercado cambiario puede ser una respuesta eficaz frente a los choques externos reales o financieros. Para determinar el impacto de estos distintos choques externos no sólo importan las características de la estructura económica, sino también el sistema vigente de políticas monetarias y fiscales y, en particular, la naturaleza del régimen cambiario.
One goal of this paper is to discussing the macroeconomic impact that an internacional commodity prices boom has in a small open economy under perfect capital mobility. A Mundell-Fleming model with some adaptations is used for the analysis of this real external shock. There are two effects: the monetary one that is a recessionary impulse, and the one that increases aggregate demand. Also the macroeconomic impact of a real external shock is compared with the effect of a financial external shock (changes in the external rate of interest), in a dollarized economy with a floating exchange rate. The other goal of this paper is to show that central bank sterilized intervention in the foreign exchange market can be an effective policy response to copy with real o financial external shocks. The macroecomic impact of external shocks depends upon the economic structure, the monetary and fiscal policy mix, and the exchange rate regime.
One goal of this paper is to discussing the macroeconomic impact that an internacional commodity prices boom has in a small open economy under perfect capital mobility. A Mundell-Fleming model with some adaptations is used for the analysis of this real external shock. There are two effects: the monetary one that is a recessionary impulse, and the one that increases aggregate demand. Also the macroeconomic impact of a real external shock is compared with the effect of a financial external shock (changes in the external rate of interest), in a dollarized economy with a floating exchange rate. The other goal of this paper is to show that central bank sterilized intervention in the foreign exchange market can be an effective policy response to copy with real o financial external shocks. The macroecomic impact of external shocks depends upon the economic structure, the monetary and fiscal policy mix, and the exchange rate regime.
Palabras clave
Modelos económicos, Política monetaria
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