Propiedad, contrato y poder
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento de Economía
Estamos observando en los últimos años un proceso de reafirmación de los derechos de propiedad privada y de aumento en la importancia del contrato entre particulares dentro de las relaciones económicas. La creciente presencia del contrato en las relaciones humanas equivale a la privatización de las relaciones de poder entre las personas, a la marginación del estado en lo que se refiere a la regulación de esas relaciones por medio de la ley. Esta relación de poder en el plano privado busca legitimarse construyendo una teoría de los derechos de propiedad que hace de todos, incluidos los esclavos, propietarios en igual pié. Además, se apoya en una distinción tajante en el plano ético entre lo bueno y lo correcto. Las reformas institucionales en curso contribuyen a un reforzamiento de la sujeción personal en las relaciones económicas sin contrapartida de responsabilidad soberana.
In recent years we are observing a process of strengthening of private property rights and an increasing role for contracts in economic relations. The rising importance of the contract in contrast to that of law implies the privatization of power relations, the growing marginality of the regulatory responsibility of the state and of the rule of law. This privatized power relation seeks some legitimization in the new theory of property rights which makes everybody an equally standing owner, including the slaves. Moreover, it is also useful a sharper separation between what is good from what is right. Recent institutional reforms contribute to a deepening of the personal subjection in the private sector with no sovereign responsibility.
In recent years we are observing a process of strengthening of private property rights and an increasing role for contracts in economic relations. The rising importance of the contract in contrast to that of law implies the privatization of power relations, the growing marginality of the regulatory responsibility of the state and of the rule of law. This privatized power relation seeks some legitimization in the new theory of property rights which makes everybody an equally standing owner, including the slaves. Moreover, it is also useful a sharper separation between what is good from what is right. Recent institutional reforms contribute to a deepening of the personal subjection in the private sector with no sovereign responsibility.
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