“Naces, creces y haces artesanía” El rol de la artesanía en la constitución de la Identidad de un grupo de madres Shipibo Konibo de la comunidad de Cantagallo
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En virtud del entendimiento de la artesanía como elemento de expresión identitaria, el
presente estudio tiene como objetivo indagar el papel de la artesanía en la construcción y
estructuración de la Identidad de un grupo de madres Shipibo Konibo provenientes de la
comunidad de Cantagallo. Con este fin, se realizó una investigación cualitativa de corte
fenomenológico donde se trabajó con una población de 6 participantes. Se realizaron
entrevistas semiestructuradas a profundidad y se aplicó un análisis de tipo temático. Los
resultados sugieren que la discriminación y exclusión juegan un rol importante en la vida de
las participantes y su relación con Cantagallo y Lima, siendo en el contexto en el cual las
artesanas construyen sus identidades. A su vez, se identifican 4 categorías sociales de
identificación: 3 de ellas (Madre, Migrante y Artesana) están yuxtapuestas y contenidas en la
categoría de Mujer Shipiba. Por otro lado, se identifican límites difusos entre las identidades
colectivas e individuales de las participantes, lo cual sugiere la presencia de una Identidad
Fusionada. También, se encuentra que la artesanía satisface múltiples motivos identitarios
como la autoeficacia, autoestima, pertenencia, significado, entre otros. Por último, se concluye
que la identidad étnica tiene un rol central y se ve reforzada por la práctica de artesanía en tanto
ésta se encuentra presente en la vida de las participantes desde edades tempranas y a lo largo
de sus vidas.
This study aims to investigate the role of crafts in the construction and structuring of Identity in a group of Shipibo Konibo mothers from the community of Cantagallo. With this purpose, a qualitative phenomenological research was carried out with 6 participants. Semistructured in-depth interviews were conducted and a thematic type of analysis was applied. The results suggest that discrimination and exclusion play an important role, being the context in which the artisans build their identities. Also, 4 social categories are identified, three of which (Mother, Migrant and Artisan) are juxtaposed and contained in the Shipibo Woman category. On the other hand, diffuse limits are identified between the collective and individual identities of the participants, which suggests the presence of a Merged Identity. Furthermore, it is identified that craftsmanship satisfies multiple identity motives such as self-efficacy, selfesteem, belonging, meaning, among others. Finally, it is concluded that ethnic identity plays a central role and is reinforced by the practice of craftsmanship, as it is present in the lives of the participants from an early age and throughout their lives.
This study aims to investigate the role of crafts in the construction and structuring of Identity in a group of Shipibo Konibo mothers from the community of Cantagallo. With this purpose, a qualitative phenomenological research was carried out with 6 participants. Semistructured in-depth interviews were conducted and a thematic type of analysis was applied. The results suggest that discrimination and exclusion play an important role, being the context in which the artisans build their identities. Also, 4 social categories are identified, three of which (Mother, Migrant and Artisan) are juxtaposed and contained in the Shipibo Woman category. On the other hand, diffuse limits are identified between the collective and individual identities of the participants, which suggests the presence of a Merged Identity. Furthermore, it is identified that craftsmanship satisfies multiple identity motives such as self-efficacy, selfesteem, belonging, meaning, among others. Finally, it is concluded that ethnic identity plays a central role and is reinforced by the practice of craftsmanship, as it is present in the lives of the participants from an early age and throughout their lives.
Palabras clave
Identidad cultural--Perú--Amazonía, Región, Artesanía--Perú--Amazonía, Región, Shipibo-Conibo--Identidad cultural--Perú--Amazonía, Región
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