Imaginarios Artificiales: IA Generativa, Exploración Creativa y la Reconfiguración de Paradigmas
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Esta investigación explora las relaciones entre la inteligencia artificial (IA), el arte y los
imaginarios sobre la crisis ambiental en el Perú, cuestionando las posibilidades brindadas por
las IA generativas para imaginar alternativas al sistema capitalista, colonialista y extractivista
que sostiene su funcionamiento. Desde una postura posthumanista y colaborativa, la
metodología se centró en un taller de creación experimental con dos artistas contemporáneas.
Concebido como dispositivo de campo, este taller y las imágenes generadas constituyeron el
núcleo metodológico y el producto visual de la investigación, complementados con
experiencias formativas, conversaciones informales y entrevistas. La investigación
problematiza la IA generativa como parte de la destrucción ambiental y las amenazas a la
justicia social, los derechos creativos y laborales, y el mundo del arte, a la vez que muestra las
condiciones para un optimismo cauteloso respecto a su potencial creativo positivo. Aboga por
un cambio de paradigma, superando la perspectiva antropocéntrica que sustenta nuestro temor
a las IA y nuestra destructiva separación del mundo no-humano. Sin embargo, insiste en no
perder de vista las verdaderas causas de los efectos perjudiciales de las IA y los centros de
poder que se benefician de ellas. Promoviendo la información y la visibilización de voces
diversas y de resistencia, argumenta que la responsabilidad última reside en los seres humanos.
Debemos reconocer nuestra responsabilidad para cambiar las IA y sus potenciales
imaginativos, integrándolas en un movimiento de contrapoder y contrahegemonía a partir de
una transformación estructural radical.
This research explores the relationships between artificial intelligence (AI), art, and imaginaries about the environmental crisis in Peru, questioning the possibilities offered by generative AIs to imagine alternatives to the capitalist, colonialist, and extractivist system that sustains their operation. From a posthumanist and collaborative standpoint, the methodology focused on an experimental creation workshop with two contemporary artists. Conceived as a field device, this workshop and the generated images constituted the methodological core and visual product of the research, complemented by formative experiences, informal conversations, and interviews. The research problematizes generative AI as part of environmental destruction and the threats to social justice, creative and labor rights, and the art world, while also highlighting the conditions for cautious optimism regarding its positive creative potential. It advocates for a paradigm shift, overcoming the anthropocentric perspective that underpins our fear of AIs and our destructive separation from the non-human world. However, it emphasizes not losing sight of the true causes of the harmful effects of AIs and the power centers that benefit from them. Promoting information and the visibilization of diverse and resistant voices, it argues that the ultimate responsibility lies with humans. We must acknowledge our responsibility to change AIs and their imaginative potentials, integrating them into a counterpower and counter-hegemonic movement through radical structural transformation.
This research explores the relationships between artificial intelligence (AI), art, and imaginaries about the environmental crisis in Peru, questioning the possibilities offered by generative AIs to imagine alternatives to the capitalist, colonialist, and extractivist system that sustains their operation. From a posthumanist and collaborative standpoint, the methodology focused on an experimental creation workshop with two contemporary artists. Conceived as a field device, this workshop and the generated images constituted the methodological core and visual product of the research, complemented by formative experiences, informal conversations, and interviews. The research problematizes generative AI as part of environmental destruction and the threats to social justice, creative and labor rights, and the art world, while also highlighting the conditions for cautious optimism regarding its positive creative potential. It advocates for a paradigm shift, overcoming the anthropocentric perspective that underpins our fear of AIs and our destructive separation from the non-human world. However, it emphasizes not losing sight of the true causes of the harmful effects of AIs and the power centers that benefit from them. Promoting information and the visibilization of diverse and resistant voices, it argues that the ultimate responsibility lies with humans. We must acknowledge our responsibility to change AIs and their imaginative potentials, integrating them into a counterpower and counter-hegemonic movement through radical structural transformation.
Palabras clave
Arte y tecnología, Antropología visual, Inteligencia artificial--Aspectos sociales, Medio ambiente--Perú
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