Modelo ProLab: hamburguesa proteica de origen vegetariano con superalimentos y sabores diferenciados
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente trabajo describe una solución sustentable de negocio que se enfoca en
atender un problema social relevante en el país como lo es la alimentación nutritiva y
saludable. La pandemia de la COVID-19, seguida de la crisis de los fertilizantes y la guerra
entre Rusia y Ucrania, han afectado de manera significativa la agricultura en el Perú, que de
acuerdo al último informe del Estado de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición en el Mundo
(SOFI, por sus siglas en inglés) presenta 16,6 millones de personas viviendo en inseguridad
alimentaria moderada o severa, es decir, el 50.5% de la población Advirtieron que esta
situación no deja más alternativa que el consumo de alimentos ultra procesados con alto
contenido de azúcar, sal y grasas saturadas perjudiciales para la salud.
Una publicación anual realizada por la FAO detalló que en 2022 unos 16,6 millones
de peruanos se encuentran en inseguridad alimentaria, un millón y medio más que en el año
anterior (RPP, 2022). Además, el costo de 3.28 dólares diarios por persona para acceder a una
dieta saludable deja fuera a más de 20% de la población peruana. Esta situación afecta a las
poblaciones vulnerables como niños, mujeres y comunidades indígenas y genera
enfermedades como desnutrición, obesidad y anemia
La solución consiste en desarrollar un producto nutritivo, saludable, apetecible y de
fácil preparación para el consumo de la población, que permita ofrecer al mercado un
producto con un alto valor proteico, que sea de origen vegetal (más sostenible), que le
permite al consumidor cubrir un 38% de sus requerimientos proteicos diarios (por
hamburguesa de 100 g) y cumpla con los estándares internacionales normados por la FAO y
el Codex Alimentarius, lo que a su vez facilitará la escalabilidad del proyecto y la
internacionalización del producto. Finalmente, podemos concluir que, si es factible producir
y comercializar un producto saludable, nutritivo, respetuoso del medio ambiente, con un
precio competitivo y accesible para un importante porcentaje de peruanos.
The following executive summary describes a sustainable business solution. It focuses on solving a relevant social problem in Perú, like nutritious and healthy eating. The COVID- 19 pandemic, followed by the fertilizer crisis and the war between Russia and Ukraine, have significantly affected agriculture in Perú, which according to the latest report from the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) presents that 16.6 million people living in moderate or severe food insecurity, that is, 50.5% of the population. They warned that this situation leaves no alternative but the consumption of ultra-processed foods with a high content of sugar, salt, and saturated fats that are harmful to health. An annual publication by the FAO detailed that in 2022 about 16.6 million Peruvians are in food insecurity, one and a half million more than in the previous year (RPP, 2022). In addition, the 3.28 dollars a day per person required to have access to a healthy diet leaves out more than 20% of the Peruvian population. This situation affects vulnerable populations such as children, women, and indigenous communities and generates diseases such as malnutrition, obesity, and anemia. The solution consists of developing a nutritious, healthy, pleasant taste, and easy-to- prepare product for public consumption, which allows the market to offer a product with a high protein value, which is of vegetable origin (more sustainable), allowing the consumer to cover 38% of their daily protein requirements (per 100 g hamburger) and comply with international standards regulated by FAO and the Codex Alimentarius, which in turn will facilitate the scalability of the project and the internationalization of the product. Finally, we can conclude that it is feasible to produce and market a healthy, nutritious, environmentally friendly product with a competitive price and accessible to a significant percentage of peruvians.
The following executive summary describes a sustainable business solution. It focuses on solving a relevant social problem in Perú, like nutritious and healthy eating. The COVID- 19 pandemic, followed by the fertilizer crisis and the war between Russia and Ukraine, have significantly affected agriculture in Perú, which according to the latest report from the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) presents that 16.6 million people living in moderate or severe food insecurity, that is, 50.5% of the population. They warned that this situation leaves no alternative but the consumption of ultra-processed foods with a high content of sugar, salt, and saturated fats that are harmful to health. An annual publication by the FAO detailed that in 2022 about 16.6 million Peruvians are in food insecurity, one and a half million more than in the previous year (RPP, 2022). In addition, the 3.28 dollars a day per person required to have access to a healthy diet leaves out more than 20% of the Peruvian population. This situation affects vulnerable populations such as children, women, and indigenous communities and generates diseases such as malnutrition, obesity, and anemia. The solution consists of developing a nutritious, healthy, pleasant taste, and easy-to- prepare product for public consumption, which allows the market to offer a product with a high protein value, which is of vegetable origin (more sustainable), allowing the consumer to cover 38% of their daily protein requirements (per 100 g hamburger) and comply with international standards regulated by FAO and the Codex Alimentarius, which in turn will facilitate the scalability of the project and the internationalization of the product. Finally, we can conclude that it is feasible to produce and market a healthy, nutritious, environmentally friendly product with a competitive price and accessible to a significant percentage of peruvians.
Palabras clave
Negocios--Planificación, Alimentos--Industria y comercio--Perú, Hábitos alimenticios
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