Análisis de factores que limitaron o contribuyeron a la implementación del proyecto piloto “Hacia la eliminación de la anemia en las zonas altoandinas: vinculación de la protección social con la agricultura y las intervenciones nutricionales para el escalamiento – Anemia Cero en los distritos de Curgos y Julcán, Departamento de La Libertad, 2019-2021”
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo principal analizar los factores que
limitaron y/o contribuyeron a la implementación del proyecto “Anemia Cero” a través del
análisis de la motivación efectiva de los usuarios, funciones y articulación de actores,
adopción de las nuevas variedades de papa y percepción de las papas biofortificadas y de
las capacitaciones demostrativas por parte de los usuarios del proyecto, con el fin de
proponer recomendaciones que se puedan aplicar en las posteriores réplicas de este
proyecto a nivel nacional.
Para ello, se utilizó un enfoque metodológico cualitativo implementado a través de
entrevistas semi estructuradas a los agricultores, madres y profesionales involucrados en
el proyecto, investigadores del Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP), ONG Asociación
Pataz, Instituto de Investigación Nutricional (IIN), así como otros colaboradores de las zonas
de realización del proyecto, responsables de las postas de salud, promotores del programa
CUNA MAS, JUNTOS, entre otros. Como variables de estudio se obtuvo: a) analizar los
factores que incidieron en la motivación para la participación efectiva de hombres y mujeres
usuarios del proyecto, b) determinar los factores que limitaron o contribuyeron a un
adecuado funcionamiento y articulación entre los actores del proyecto, c) analizar los
factores que inciden en el proceso de adopción de nuevas variedades de papa biofortificada
y por último d) analizar las percepciones de los usuarios del proyecto con relación a las
papas biofortificadas y las diferentes capacitaciones recibidas.
Los hallazgos demuestran que los factores que contribuyeron a la implementación
del proyecto fue la importancia y alta valoración que los usuarios del proyecto le dieron a la
papa biofortificada como una variedad nueva con propiedades nutricionales mejoradas las
cuales contribuye a reducir los niveles de anemia en los miembros de sus familias,
especialmente madres gestantes y niños menores de 3 años. A pesar de que dicho proyecto
se desarrolló en plena pandemia, este factor no fue una limitante para el desarrollo del
mismo. Por el contrario, los factores que limitaron a la implementación del proyecto en
algunas zonas puntuales fue la poca disposición por parte de las autoridades municipales
a contribuir con el desarrollo del proyecto y ayuda a los beneficiarios.
The present investigation had as main objective to analyze the factors that limited and/or contributed to the implementation of the "Anemia Cero" project through the analysis of the effective motivation of the users, functions and articulation of actors, adoption of the new potato varieties and perception of biofortified potatoes and demonstrative training by project users, in order to propose recommendations that can be applied in subsequent replicas of this project at the national level. For this, a qualitative methodological approach was achieved, implemented through semi-structured interviews with the farmers, mothers and professionals involved in the project, researchers from the International Potato Center (CIP), Pataz Association NGO, Nutritional Research Institute (IIN), as well as other collaborators from the area where the project is carried out, nutritionists from the health posts, promoters of the CUNA MAS, JUNTOS program, among others. As study variables, the following were obtained: a) determine the factors that limited and/or contributed to the articulation and linkage of public and private actors to implement the Zero Anemia project, b) describe the value of biofortified potatoes to combat anemia of the actors of the Anemia Cero project and finally c) analyze the perception of the project users in relation to the different training received. For this, a qualitative methodological approach was used, implemented through semi-structured interviews with farmers, mothers and professionals involved in the project, researchers from the International Potato Center (CIP), Pataz Association NGO, Nutritional Research Institute (IIN), as well as other collaborators from the areas where the project is carried out, managers of the health posts, promoters of the CUNA MAS, JUNTOS program, among others. As study variables, the following was obtained: a) to analyze the factors that influenced the motivation for the effective participation of men and women project users, b) to determine the factors that limited or contributed to an adequate functioning and articulation between the project actors, c) analyze the factors that affect the process of adopting new varieties of biofortified potatoes and finally d) analyze the perceptions of project users in relation to biofortified potatoes and the different training received. The findings show that the factors that contributed to the implementation of the project were the importance and high valuation that the users of the project gave to the biofortified potato as a new variety with improved nutritional properties which contributes to reducing the levels of anemia in the members. their families, especially pregnant mothers and children under 3 years of age. Despite the fact that said project was developed in the midst of a pandemic, this factor was not a limitation for its development. On the contrary, the factors that limited the implementation of the project in some specific areas was the lack of willingness on the part of the municipal authorities to contribute to the development of the project and help the beneficiaries.
The present investigation had as main objective to analyze the factors that limited and/or contributed to the implementation of the "Anemia Cero" project through the analysis of the effective motivation of the users, functions and articulation of actors, adoption of the new potato varieties and perception of biofortified potatoes and demonstrative training by project users, in order to propose recommendations that can be applied in subsequent replicas of this project at the national level. For this, a qualitative methodological approach was achieved, implemented through semi-structured interviews with the farmers, mothers and professionals involved in the project, researchers from the International Potato Center (CIP), Pataz Association NGO, Nutritional Research Institute (IIN), as well as other collaborators from the area where the project is carried out, nutritionists from the health posts, promoters of the CUNA MAS, JUNTOS program, among others. As study variables, the following were obtained: a) determine the factors that limited and/or contributed to the articulation and linkage of public and private actors to implement the Zero Anemia project, b) describe the value of biofortified potatoes to combat anemia of the actors of the Anemia Cero project and finally c) analyze the perception of the project users in relation to the different training received. For this, a qualitative methodological approach was used, implemented through semi-structured interviews with farmers, mothers and professionals involved in the project, researchers from the International Potato Center (CIP), Pataz Association NGO, Nutritional Research Institute (IIN), as well as other collaborators from the areas where the project is carried out, managers of the health posts, promoters of the CUNA MAS, JUNTOS program, among others. As study variables, the following was obtained: a) to analyze the factors that influenced the motivation for the effective participation of men and women project users, b) to determine the factors that limited or contributed to an adequate functioning and articulation between the project actors, c) analyze the factors that affect the process of adopting new varieties of biofortified potatoes and finally d) analyze the perceptions of project users in relation to biofortified potatoes and the different training received. The findings show that the factors that contributed to the implementation of the project were the importance and high valuation that the users of the project gave to the biofortified potato as a new variety with improved nutritional properties which contributes to reducing the levels of anemia in the members. their families, especially pregnant mothers and children under 3 years of age. Despite the fact that said project was developed in the midst of a pandemic, this factor was not a limitation for its development. On the contrary, the factors that limited the implementation of the project in some specific areas was the lack of willingness on the part of the municipal authorities to contribute to the development of the project and help the beneficiaries.
Palabras clave
Anemia--Tratamiento, Desnutrición, Papas (Tubérculos)--Cultivo--Perú
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