Modelo prolab: Jamape, una iniciativa sostenible para minimizar el desperdicio de productos próximos a vencer
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como finalidad atender el problema social
relacionado a que existen muchas familias del nivel socioeconómico C, D y E en el país que
no cuentan con la economía suficiente para poder pagar una canasta básica familiar, esto
debido a que los ingresos percibidos no son suficientes y los precios de los productos de
consumo básico están en aumento.
Se plantea ofrecer a estas familias la oportunidad de adquirir productos a precios más
bajos, esto lo conseguimos ofreciendo productos que están prontos a vencer entre 1 a 2 meses
y productos que tengan problemas de empaque o diseño, los cuales son descartados por los
proveedores debido a las exigencias del mercado en la presentación de sus productos hacia
sus consumidores. Los productos por vencer son normalmente productos que se pierden en el
almacén y son llamados desmedros y tienen que ser destruidos, es por esa razón que
proveedores como distribuidoras de alimentos, supermercados y minimarkets, están
dispuestos a ofrecer los productos con descuentos del 20 al 60% sobre los productos por
vencer antes de perder su inversión.
Para la viabilidad social, se estimó los costos y beneficios del modelo de negocio,
obteniendo un VAN social de S/ 5,120,396. Por lo expuesto, JamaPe es una propuesta
sostenible alineada a la ODS 2 ya que permitirá que más personas tengan acceso a una
alimentación sana, nutritiva y suficiente y la ODS 12 proponiendo un consumo responsable.
Es viable financieramente, ya que para una inversión inicial de S/199,640 en un
periodo de 5 años, se proyecta un valor actual neto (VAN) positivo con una rentabilidad del
96%, considerando un costo promedio ponderado de capital (WACC) de 16.39%.
The purpose of this research is to address the social problem related to the fact that there are many families of socioeconomic level C, D and E in the country that do not have enough money to be able to pay for a basic family basket, due to the fact that their income is not sufficient and the prices of basic consumer products are on the rise. We propose to offer these families the opportunity to purchase products at lower prices, this is achieved by offering products that are about to expire between 1 to 2 months and products that have packaging or design problems, which are discarded by suppliers due to market demands in the presentation of their products to consumers. The expired products are usually products that are lost in the warehouse and are called waste and have to be destroyed, that is why suppliers such as food distributors, supermarkets and minimarkets, are willing to offer products with discounts of 20 to 60% on expired products before losing their investment. For social viability, the costs and benefits of the business model were estimated, obtaining a social NPV of S/ 5,120,396. For these reasons, JamaPe is a sustainable proposal aligned with SDG 2 since it will allow more people to have access to healthy, nutritious, and sufficient food and SDG 12 proposing responsible consumption. It is financially viable, since for an initial investment of S/199,640 over a period of 5 years, a positive net present value (NPV) with a profitability of 96% is projected, considering a weighted average cost of capital (WACC) of 16.39%.
The purpose of this research is to address the social problem related to the fact that there are many families of socioeconomic level C, D and E in the country that do not have enough money to be able to pay for a basic family basket, due to the fact that their income is not sufficient and the prices of basic consumer products are on the rise. We propose to offer these families the opportunity to purchase products at lower prices, this is achieved by offering products that are about to expire between 1 to 2 months and products that have packaging or design problems, which are discarded by suppliers due to market demands in the presentation of their products to consumers. The expired products are usually products that are lost in the warehouse and are called waste and have to be destroyed, that is why suppliers such as food distributors, supermarkets and minimarkets, are willing to offer products with discounts of 20 to 60% on expired products before losing their investment. For social viability, the costs and benefits of the business model were estimated, obtaining a social NPV of S/ 5,120,396. For these reasons, JamaPe is a sustainable proposal aligned with SDG 2 since it will allow more people to have access to healthy, nutritious, and sufficient food and SDG 12 proposing responsible consumption. It is financially viable, since for an initial investment of S/199,640 over a period of 5 years, a positive net present value (NPV) with a profitability of 96% is projected, considering a weighted average cost of capital (WACC) of 16.39%.
Palabras clave
Alimentos--Industria y comercio--Perú, Servicios digitales
Licencia Creative Commons
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