Modelo prolab: Ariagro - sistema de cultivo no tradicional para nuestra Amazonía peruana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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A partir del contexto, se ha identificado que la problemática del agricultor en la región
Loreto posee factores negativos que conlleva a pérdidas de producción de la agricultura, las
cuales como primer factor tenemos: espacios limitados de tierras para el sembrío, la región
cuenta con una gran cantidad de suelos ácidos y pobres en nutrientes, con cifras que el 62,4% de
los suelos de tienen las limitaciones físicas y químicas para el desarrollo óptimo de la
agricultura. (INEI, 2012). Como complemento a ello está el factor de cambio climático: la región
Loreto se encuentra en la Amazonía peruana y, por lo tanto, es susceptible a los efectos del
cambio climático, como sequías, inundaciones y otros eventos climáticos extremos que pueden
afectar la producción agrícola. (INEI, 2012).
Para la complejidad y la relevancia del problema de la agricultura con enfoque al espacio
limitado de tierras para el sembrío se tiene que, en el año 2020, el sector agrícola registró una
contracción debido a los impactos de la pandemia de COVID-19 y otros factores, el sector
agrícola del Perú experimentó una caída del 7.8% en comparación con el mismo período del año
anterior. Estos datos reflejan los efectos negativos de la pandemia en la actividad agrícola y las
dificultades enfrentadas por los agricultores. (BCRP, 2023). Y en cuanto, a los datos del PBI del
mes de febrero 2023, disminuyó 0.6% ello se debe a una menor producción orientada al mercado
interno, en abril, la industria agropecuaria experimentó una disminución del 14,2% debido a una
reducción en la producción de cultivos andinos como la papa, cebada, arveja, haba y forrajes.
Esta situación se dio en un escenario marcado por sequías hasta enero y heladas hasta mayo de
2023, lo que afectó las plantaciones y disminuyó las recolecciones en la región montañosa. Las
áreas más afectadas fueron Puno y Cusco, zonas que tienen un calendario de siembra anticipado
y picos de producción entre abril y junio. Después de delimitar el problema si hizo un enfoque en
la investigación del perfil del usuario donde se pudo corroborar la problemática central, sus
principales necesidades y frustraciones, sus creencias y deseos lo cual está registrado en el ̈Lienzo Meta Usuario ̈. Se realizaron las entrevistas a 32 agricultores de la comunidad de Santa
Clara entre hombres y mujeres que se dedican a la agricultura como principal actividad
económica, los entrevistados se encuentran en un rango de 35 a 60 años. El costo de capital
propio de ARIAGRO, representado como Ke Soles, es del 18.84%, mientras que el costo de la
deuda, o Kd Soles, es del 11.08%. La Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR) del proyecto es
impresionantemente alta, situada en un 243.60%, y el tiempo de recuperación de la inversión, o
payback, es de apenas 0.31 años. El Costo Promedio Ponderado de Capital (WACC) es del
12.22%. El Valor Actual (VA) del proyecto es de S/ 4'552,798.00 y la inversión inicial es de S/
400,245.00. Después de restar la inversión del VA, el Valor Actual Neto (VAN) es de S/
4'152,552.79, lo que indica un proyecto altamente rentable. Basado en las simulaciones de
Montecarlo, la probabilidad de no alcanzar el monto predeterminado es del 7.3%. Así, se puede
deducir que ARIAGRO alcanzará rentabilidad en el quinto año tras realizar 5,000 simulaciones.
En el análisis presentado para los años 2023 a 2027, se observa un incremento sostenido en el
beneficio social derivado de la reducción de emisiones de CO2 y la promoción de prácticas
sustentables como el uso eficiente de agua y energía. Por ejemplo, en 2023, la no emisión de
CO2 en agricultura y el uso eficiente del agua aportaron beneficios por S/ 424.47 soles, cifra que
aumentó a S/ 728.92 soles en 2027. Además, la generación de empleo representó un beneficio
significativo, alcanzando S/ 63,000 soles en 2026 y 2027 gracias a la creación de 60 empleos
anuales. Por otro lado, se registró un costo asociado a la producción de aluminio, que incrementó
de S/ 1,273.39 soles en 2023 a S/ 2,546.78 soles en 2027. Sin embargo, el flujo de caja social,
que resta estos costos a los beneficios, mostró un balance positivo y creciente, culminando en un
Valor Actual Neto (VAN) social de S/ 219,625.82 soles, evidenciando el impacto positivo y la
rentabilidad social de las iniciativas propuestas.
From the context, it has been identified that the problem of the farmer in the Loreto region has negative factors that lead to losses in agricultural production, which as the first factor we have: limited spaces of land for crops, the region has a large amount of acidic and nutrient- poor soils, with figures that 62.4% of the soils have the physical and chemical limitations for the optimal development of agriculture. (INEI, 2012). Complementing this is the factor of climate change: The Loreto region is located in the Peruvian Amazon and, therefore, is susceptible to the effects of climate change, such as droughts, floods and other extreme weather events that can affect agricultural production. (INEI, 2012). Given the complexity and relevance of the problem of agriculture with a focus on the limited space of land for cultivation, in 2020, the agricultural sector registered a contraction due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and other factors., Peru's agricultural sector experienced a drop of 7.8% compared to the same period of the previous year. These data reflect the negative effects of the pandemic on agricultural activity and the difficulties faced by farmers. (BCRP, 2023). And as for the GDP data for the month of February 2023, it decreased 0.6%, this is due to lower production oriented to the domestic market, in April, the agricultural industry experienced a decrease of 14.2% due to a reduction in production of Andean crops such as potatoes, barley, peas, broad beans and forage. This situation occurred in a scenario marked by droughts until January and frosts until May 2023, which affected the plantations and decreased collections in the mountainous region. The most affected areas were Puno and Cusco, areas that have an early planting calendar and production peaks between April and June. After defining the problem, a focus was placed on the investigation of the user's profile where the central problem, their main needs and frustrations, their beliefs and desires could be corroborated, which is recorded in the "User Meta Canvas". Interviews were conducted with 32 farmers from the community of Santa Clara, including men and women who are dedicated to agriculture as their main economic activity. The interviewees range from 35 to 60 years old. ARIAGRO's cost of equity capital, represented as Ke Soles, is 18.84%, while the cost of debt, or Kd Soles, is 11.08%. The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of the project is impressively high, at 243.60%, and the investment recovery time, or payback, is just 0.31 years. The Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) is 12.22%. The Present Value (VA) of the project is S/ 4'552,798.00 and the initial investment is S/ 400,245.00. After subtracting the PV investment, the Net Present Value (NPV) is S/ 4'152,552.79, which indicates a highly profitable project. Based on Monte Carlo simulations, the probability of not reaching the predetermined amount is 7.3%. Thus, it can be deduced that ARIAGRO will reach profitability in the fifth year after carrying out 5,000 simulations. In the analysis presented for the years 2023 to 2027, a sustained increase in the social benefit derived from the reduction of CO2 emissions and the promotion of sustainable practices such as the efficient use of water and energy is observed. For example, in 2023, the non-emission of CO2 in agriculture and the efficient use of water provided benefits of S/ 424.47 soles, a figure that increased to S/ 728.92 soles in 2027. In addition, the generation of employment represented a significant benefit, reaching S/ 63,000 soles in 2026 and 2027 thanks to the creation of 60 jobs annually. On the other hand, a cost associated with the production of aluminum was recorded, which increased from S/ 1,273.39 soles in 2023 to S/ 2,546.78 soles in 2027. However, the social cash flow, which subtracts these costs from the benefits, showed a positive balance and increasing, culminating in a social Net Present Value (NPV) of S/ 219,625.82 soles, evidencing the positive impact and social profitability of the proposed initiatives.
From the context, it has been identified that the problem of the farmer in the Loreto region has negative factors that lead to losses in agricultural production, which as the first factor we have: limited spaces of land for crops, the region has a large amount of acidic and nutrient- poor soils, with figures that 62.4% of the soils have the physical and chemical limitations for the optimal development of agriculture. (INEI, 2012). Complementing this is the factor of climate change: The Loreto region is located in the Peruvian Amazon and, therefore, is susceptible to the effects of climate change, such as droughts, floods and other extreme weather events that can affect agricultural production. (INEI, 2012). Given the complexity and relevance of the problem of agriculture with a focus on the limited space of land for cultivation, in 2020, the agricultural sector registered a contraction due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and other factors., Peru's agricultural sector experienced a drop of 7.8% compared to the same period of the previous year. These data reflect the negative effects of the pandemic on agricultural activity and the difficulties faced by farmers. (BCRP, 2023). And as for the GDP data for the month of February 2023, it decreased 0.6%, this is due to lower production oriented to the domestic market, in April, the agricultural industry experienced a decrease of 14.2% due to a reduction in production of Andean crops such as potatoes, barley, peas, broad beans and forage. This situation occurred in a scenario marked by droughts until January and frosts until May 2023, which affected the plantations and decreased collections in the mountainous region. The most affected areas were Puno and Cusco, areas that have an early planting calendar and production peaks between April and June. After defining the problem, a focus was placed on the investigation of the user's profile where the central problem, their main needs and frustrations, their beliefs and desires could be corroborated, which is recorded in the "User Meta Canvas". Interviews were conducted with 32 farmers from the community of Santa Clara, including men and women who are dedicated to agriculture as their main economic activity. The interviewees range from 35 to 60 years old. ARIAGRO's cost of equity capital, represented as Ke Soles, is 18.84%, while the cost of debt, or Kd Soles, is 11.08%. The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of the project is impressively high, at 243.60%, and the investment recovery time, or payback, is just 0.31 years. The Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) is 12.22%. The Present Value (VA) of the project is S/ 4'552,798.00 and the initial investment is S/ 400,245.00. After subtracting the PV investment, the Net Present Value (NPV) is S/ 4'152,552.79, which indicates a highly profitable project. Based on Monte Carlo simulations, the probability of not reaching the predetermined amount is 7.3%. Thus, it can be deduced that ARIAGRO will reach profitability in the fifth year after carrying out 5,000 simulations. In the analysis presented for the years 2023 to 2027, a sustained increase in the social benefit derived from the reduction of CO2 emissions and the promotion of sustainable practices such as the efficient use of water and energy is observed. For example, in 2023, the non-emission of CO2 in agriculture and the efficient use of water provided benefits of S/ 424.47 soles, a figure that increased to S/ 728.92 soles in 2027. In addition, the generation of employment represented a significant benefit, reaching S/ 63,000 soles in 2026 and 2027 thanks to the creation of 60 jobs annually. On the other hand, a cost associated with the production of aluminum was recorded, which increased from S/ 1,273.39 soles in 2023 to S/ 2,546.78 soles in 2027. However, the social cash flow, which subtracts these costs from the benefits, showed a positive balance and increasing, culminating in a social Net Present Value (NPV) of S/ 219,625.82 soles, evidencing the positive impact and social profitability of the proposed initiatives.
Palabras clave
Agricultura--Perú--Loreto, Cultivos--Perú--Loreto
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