Modelo prolab: plataforma digital que promueve el turismo sostenible “Tinkuy Perú”
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Esta investigación propone el modelo de negocio Tinkuy Perú que busca promover el
turismo sostenible, las principales páginas de turismo y agencias de viaje en su mayoría
promociona destinos y rutas tradicionales, tal es así que en la región de Piura se enfocan en
las playas de Talara y Paita dejando, sin explotar 209 recursos turísticos de la región haciendo
evidente que existe una demanda no satisfecha, la de aquellos turistas que buscan
experiencias diferenciadas. Se plantea aplicar este modelo de negocio en la región Piura y
extenderse a otras regiones con potencial turístico.
Tinkuy Perú es una plataforma digital que busca conectar a los emprendedores de
servicios turísticos con turistas a través de una página digital que les permita realizar
búsqueda y creación de rutas personalizadas, reserva y pago de servicios turísticos haciendo
uso de herramientas tecnológicas innovadoras, como la inteligencia artificial.
Tinkuy Perú fue sometida a pruebas de deseabilidad tanto con emprendedores como
con turistas obteniéndose resultados satisfactorios y la validación de las hipótesis planteadas.
La primera hipótesis, el 89 % de usuarios completó con éxito la creación de rutas
personalizadas, envío y el pago de la reserva, con un NPS de 97, lo que indica un resultado
positivo; en cuanto a la segunda hipótesis, el 82% de los usuarios estaban dispuestos a pagar
una comisión mayor a 3% obteniendo un promedio ponderado 6.2% de comisión por el
servicio de reserva, validando la segunda hipótesis. Este es un modelo socialmente sostenible
alineado con la ODS 8 promueve el crecimiento económico inclusivo y sostenible, con un
índice de relevancia social del 70% y un VANS de S/3’997,208. A nivel económico es
sostenible y viable, ya que proyecta el crecimiento exponencial de sus ventas, con un VAN
de S/4’690,080 y un TIR de 114.74% para los próximos cinco años.
This research proposes the Tinkuy Peru business model that seeks to promote sustainable tourism, it was identified in the main tourism websites and travel agencies that most promote traditional destinations and routes, so much so that in the region of Piura that focus on the beaches of Talara and Paita leaving unexploited 209 of the tourist resources of the region making evident the existence of an unmet demand, that of those tourists seeking differentiated experiences. This business model will be applied in the first year in the Piura region and will be extended to other regions with tourism potential. Tinkuy Peru is a digital platform that seeks to connect tourism service entrepreneurs with tourists through a digital page that allows them to search for and create personalized routes, book, and pay for tourism services using innovative technological tools, such as artificial intelligence. Tinkuy Peru was subjected to desirability tests with both entrepreneurs and tourists, obtaining satisfactory results and validation of the hypotheses. The first hypothesis, 89% of users successfully completed the creation of personalized routes, shipping and payment of the reservation, with an NPS of 97, indicating a positive result; as for the second hypothesis, 82% of users are willing to pay a commission greater than 3% obtained a weighted average of 6.2% commission for the booking service validating the second hypothesis. This is a socially sustainable model aligned with SDG 8 that promotes inclusive and sustainable economic growth, with a social relevance index of 70% and a VANS of S/3’997,208 At an economic level it is sustainable and viable, as it projects exponential growth of its sales, with an NPV of S/ 4'690,080 and an IRR of 114.74% for the next five years.
This research proposes the Tinkuy Peru business model that seeks to promote sustainable tourism, it was identified in the main tourism websites and travel agencies that most promote traditional destinations and routes, so much so that in the region of Piura that focus on the beaches of Talara and Paita leaving unexploited 209 of the tourist resources of the region making evident the existence of an unmet demand, that of those tourists seeking differentiated experiences. This business model will be applied in the first year in the Piura region and will be extended to other regions with tourism potential. Tinkuy Peru is a digital platform that seeks to connect tourism service entrepreneurs with tourists through a digital page that allows them to search for and create personalized routes, book, and pay for tourism services using innovative technological tools, such as artificial intelligence. Tinkuy Peru was subjected to desirability tests with both entrepreneurs and tourists, obtaining satisfactory results and validation of the hypotheses. The first hypothesis, 89% of users successfully completed the creation of personalized routes, shipping and payment of the reservation, with an NPS of 97, indicating a positive result; as for the second hypothesis, 82% of users are willing to pay a commission greater than 3% obtained a weighted average of 6.2% commission for the booking service validating the second hypothesis. This is a socially sustainable model aligned with SDG 8 that promotes inclusive and sustainable economic growth, with a social relevance index of 70% and a VANS of S/3’997,208 At an economic level it is sustainable and viable, as it projects exponential growth of its sales, with an NPV of S/ 4'690,080 and an IRR of 114.74% for the next five years.
Turismo--Perú--Piura, Desarrollo sostenible--Perú--Piura
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