El aporte de las estrategias clown para promover el autoconocimiento emocional en la escuela desde la percepción de tres facilitadores clown
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El clown, como estrategia para trabajar el desarrollo de las competencias
emocionales, aún no es un recurso al que se apele en las escuelas. Es así que
esta investigación tiene como objetivo principal analizar el aporte de las estrategias
clown en el autoconocimiento emocional de niños y niñas en etapa escolar, desde
la perspectiva de tres facilitadores formados en distintas ramas de intervención del
clown, mediante la descripción de sus percepciones y la identificación de las
estrategias que estos emplean. La investigación es cualitativa de tipo descriptiva,
debido a la naturaleza del objeto de estudio seleccionado. La información
recopilada se realizó mediante la aplicación de técnicas como la entrevista y la
observación. Como resultados, se concluye que el clown promueve el desarrollo
del autoconocimiento emocional, entre otras competencias de la inteligencia
emocional, a partir de la aplicación de estrategias que pueden ser empleadas
desde otros ámbitos de intervención, pero que, al ser aplicadas bajo el enfoque
lúdico que acoge el clown, cobran mayor significatividad y naturalidad, debido a
su apertura a lo absurdo. No obstante, como limitación, se reconoce que el clown
aún no goza del reconocimiento y valoración suficiente para que su aplicación sea
una realidad en las escuelas; sin embargo, se rescata el gran potencial que tiene
para serlo.
The clown, as a strategy to work on the development of emotional competencies, is not yet a resource that is used in schools. Thus, its main objective is to analyze the contribution of clown strategies in the emotional self-knowledge of boys and girls in research at the school stage, from the perspective of three facilitators trained in different branches of clown intervention, through the description of their perceptions and the identification of the strategies they employ. The research is qualitative and descriptive, due to the nature of the selected object of study. The information collected was carried out through the application of techniques such as interviews and observation. As a result, it is concluded that the clown promotes the development of emotional self-knowledge, among other emotional intelligence competencies, from the application of strategies that can be used from other areas of intervention, but that, when applied under the playful approach that the clown welcomes, take on greater significance and naturalness, due to its openness to the absurd. However, as a limitation, it is recognized that clowning still does not enjoy sufficient recognition and appreciation for its application to be a reality in schools, however, the great potential it has to be is rescued.
The clown, as a strategy to work on the development of emotional competencies, is not yet a resource that is used in schools. Thus, its main objective is to analyze the contribution of clown strategies in the emotional self-knowledge of boys and girls in research at the school stage, from the perspective of three facilitators trained in different branches of clown intervention, through the description of their perceptions and the identification of the strategies they employ. The research is qualitative and descriptive, due to the nature of the selected object of study. The information collected was carried out through the application of techniques such as interviews and observation. As a result, it is concluded that the clown promotes the development of emotional self-knowledge, among other emotional intelligence competencies, from the application of strategies that can be used from other areas of intervention, but that, when applied under the playful approach that the clown welcomes, take on greater significance and naturalness, due to its openness to the absurd. However, as a limitation, it is recognized that clowning still does not enjoy sufficient recognition and appreciation for its application to be a reality in schools, however, the great potential it has to be is rescued.
Palabras clave
Educación primaria--Metodología, Educación primaria--Estudio y enseñanza, Inteligencia emocional
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