Empoderamiento económico de las mujeres víctimas de violencia en relación de pareja, para reducir el incremento de la reincidencia reportado durante el periodo 2015 a 2021, a nivel nacional
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
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En el Perú existe una alta prevalencia de violencia contra las mujeres, quienes
afrontan distintos tipos de violencia psicológica, física, sexual y/o económica en las
diferentes etapas de sus vidas. Esta problemática se refleja en las estadísticas
presentadas por el Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Ministerio de la Mujer y
Poblaciones Vulnerables, Ministerio del Interior, Poder Judicial y otras instancias,
siendo resultado de condiciones estructurales de discriminación contra la mujer así
como normas culturales tolerantes y justificantes de la violencia, las cuales
permiten a los hombres ejercer poder y violencia sobre las mujeres, dando así lugar
a un ciclo de violencia el que difícilmente las mujeres violentadas por su pareja
pueden romper por la persistencia de factores familiares, culturales u otros.
Una de las manifestaciones más críticas y frecuentes, es la violencia que se
desarrolla en relación de pareja, la cual ha sido abordada de forma insuficiente por
las intervenciones de política pública durante los últimos años. Publicaciones
oficiales dan cuenta que en el periodo 2015 al 2021 se ha acelerado el nivel de
crecimiento de los casos (nuevos y reincidentes) de violencia contra la mujer que
se encuentran en relación de pareja atendidos por los Centros de Emergencia Mujer
(CEM) a nivel nacional. En el año 2021 se produjo un incremento de casos de 180%
respecto al año 2015 (163,797 en el año 2021 versus 58,429 del año 2015) del total
de casos atendidos. De igual manera, hay un incremento en los casos de
reincidencias, de 20,671 casos reportados en el año 2021, el cual representó un
incremento de 415% respecto a los 4,016 casos atendidos en el año 2015.
Al respecto, se han identificado cinco (05) causas principales que generan no solo
el predominio de estos casos de violencia, sino el crecimiento de estos y la
revictimización de mujeres en nuestro país. Estas causas son: (i) Dependencia
económica, (ii) Dependencia emocional, (iii) Persistencia de factores de riesgo a
nivel sociocultural, (iv) Inadecuado diseño en la dimensión de restauración respecto
al empoderamiento económico de mujeres sobrevivientes en relación de pareja en
el marco del Programa Presupuestal Orientado a Resultados de Reducción de
Violencia contra la Mujer - PPoR RVcM y (v) Deficiencias en las prestaciones de
servicios de los operadores de justicia.
En base a la problemática y causas descritas, se identificó que la causa con mayor
impacto sobre el problema es la referida a la dependencia económica que tienen
las mujeres que son víctimas de violencia, especialmente las que se encuentran en
relación de pareja, lo que permitió determinar el siguiente desafío de innovación:
¿Cómo podemos ayudar a empoderar económicamente a las mujeres víctimas de
sus parejas, ello a fin de reducir los casos de reincidencia?. Para ello se realizó la
revisión de experiencias tanto nacionales como internacionales, así como una lluvia
de ideas de innovación, que condujo a priorizar la propuesta de solución
denominada “Nuwa Wáimaku - Programa de Intervención Integral, mentoría y
capacitación técnico productiva para mujeres víctimas de algún tipo violencia por
parte de su pareja”, cuyo prototipo fue testeado y validado por usuarias de los CEM
del Callao, expertos académicos, especialistas en mentoría, profesionales y
funcionarios del Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables (MIMP). El
proyecto de innovación tiene previsto desarrollarse a través de un piloto en el CEM
Callao, con la finalidad brindar a las beneficiarias las herramientas para restaurarse
emocionalmente e insertarse laboralmente, y por ende empoderarse como agentes
con visión y capacidad productiva, lo que les permitirá reducir el riesgo de ser
víctimas reincidentes por factores económicos.
In Peru, there is a high prevalence of violence against women who face different types of psychological, physical, sexual and/or economic violence at different stages of their lives. This problem is reflected in the statistics presented by the National Institute of Statistics, the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations, the Ministry of the Interior, the Judiciary and other instances, being result of structural conditions of discrimination against women as well as tolerant and norms of violence, which allow men to exercise power and violence over women, thus giving rise to a cycle of violence in which women abused by their partner can hardly break due to the persistence of factors family, cultural or other. One of the most critical manifestations, and also one of the most common, is the violence that develops in a relationship, which has been insufficiently addressed by public policy interventions in recent years. Official publications show that in the period 2015 to 2021 the level of growth of cases (new and repeat offenders) of violence against women who are in a relationship with a partner attended by the Women's Emergency Centers (CEM) has accelerated at the level national. In 2021 there was an increase in cases of 180% compared to 2015 (163,797 in 2021 versus 58,429 in 2015) of the total number of cases attended. Similarly, there is an increase in cases of recidivism, of 20,671 cases reported in 2021, which represented an increase of 415% compared to the 4,016 cases attended in 2015. In this regard, five (05) main causes have been identified that generate not only the prevalence of these cases of violence, but also their growth and the re-victimization of women in our country. These causes are: (i) Economic dependency, (ii) Emotional dependency, (iii) Persistence of risk factors at the sociocultural level, (iv) Inadequate design in the restoration dimension regarding the economic empowerment of surviving women in a partner relationship in the framework of the PPoR RVcM and (v) Deficiencies in the provision of services by justice operators. Based on the problems and causes described, it was identified that the cause with the greatest impact on the problem is that related to the economic dependence of women who are victims of violence, especially those who are in a relationship, which allowed determine the next innovation challenge: How can we help economically empower these women who are victims of their partners, in order to reduce recidivism? For this, a review of both national and international experiences was carried out, as well as a brainstorming of innovation ideas, which led to prioritizing viii the solution proposal called "Nuwa Wáimaku - Comprehensive Intervention Program, mentoring and productive technical training for women victims of some type of violence by their partner”, whose prototype was tested and validated by users of the Callao CEM, academic experts, mentoring specialists, professionals and officials of the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations (MIMP). The innovation project plans to be developed through a pilot at the Callao Women's Emergency Center; with the purpose of providing the beneficiaries with the tools to restore themselves emotionally and insert themselves in the labor market, and therefore empower themselves as agents with vision and productive capacity, which will allow them to reduce the risk of being repeat offenders due to economic factors.
In Peru, there is a high prevalence of violence against women who face different types of psychological, physical, sexual and/or economic violence at different stages of their lives. This problem is reflected in the statistics presented by the National Institute of Statistics, the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations, the Ministry of the Interior, the Judiciary and other instances, being result of structural conditions of discrimination against women as well as tolerant and norms of violence, which allow men to exercise power and violence over women, thus giving rise to a cycle of violence in which women abused by their partner can hardly break due to the persistence of factors family, cultural or other. One of the most critical manifestations, and also one of the most common, is the violence that develops in a relationship, which has been insufficiently addressed by public policy interventions in recent years. Official publications show that in the period 2015 to 2021 the level of growth of cases (new and repeat offenders) of violence against women who are in a relationship with a partner attended by the Women's Emergency Centers (CEM) has accelerated at the level national. In 2021 there was an increase in cases of 180% compared to 2015 (163,797 in 2021 versus 58,429 in 2015) of the total number of cases attended. Similarly, there is an increase in cases of recidivism, of 20,671 cases reported in 2021, which represented an increase of 415% compared to the 4,016 cases attended in 2015. In this regard, five (05) main causes have been identified that generate not only the prevalence of these cases of violence, but also their growth and the re-victimization of women in our country. These causes are: (i) Economic dependency, (ii) Emotional dependency, (iii) Persistence of risk factors at the sociocultural level, (iv) Inadequate design in the restoration dimension regarding the economic empowerment of surviving women in a partner relationship in the framework of the PPoR RVcM and (v) Deficiencies in the provision of services by justice operators. Based on the problems and causes described, it was identified that the cause with the greatest impact on the problem is that related to the economic dependence of women who are victims of violence, especially those who are in a relationship, which allowed determine the next innovation challenge: How can we help economically empower these women who are victims of their partners, in order to reduce recidivism? For this, a review of both national and international experiences was carried out, as well as a brainstorming of innovation ideas, which led to prioritizing viii the solution proposal called "Nuwa Wáimaku - Comprehensive Intervention Program, mentoring and productive technical training for women victims of some type of violence by their partner”, whose prototype was tested and validated by users of the Callao CEM, academic experts, mentoring specialists, professionals and officials of the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations (MIMP). The innovation project plans to be developed through a pilot at the Callao Women's Emergency Center; with the purpose of providing the beneficiaries with the tools to restore themselves emotionally and insert themselves in the labor market, and therefore empower themselves as agents with vision and productive capacity, which will allow them to reduce the risk of being repeat offenders due to economic factors.
Palabras clave
Poder (Ciencias sociales)--Perú--Aspectos económicos, Violencia contra la mujer--Perú, Conducta dependiente--Perú
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