Percepciones docentes sobre la evaluación diagnóstica aplicada a estudiantes del tercer ciclo de primaria en una escuela pública de Lima durante el periodo de educación remota 2021
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Son escasos los estudios realizados a nivel nacional e internacional acerca de la
evaluación diagnóstica. Por ende, se resalta la relevancia y la peculiaridad de la
presente investigación dentro del ámbito pedagógico y en el marco de la
implementación de la evaluación diagnóstica por parte del Ministerio de Educación del
Perú. Desde este trabajo, se reconoce la importancia de esta evaluación como
orientadora e impulsadora de la mejora de la calidad del proceso de enseñanza y
aprendizaje basándose en una información realista de los estudiantes, por esta razón,
resulta esencial conocer las percepciones docentes, pues es la manera como el
docente la interpreta. En este trabajo se aborda el problema: ¿Cuáles son las
percepciones docentes sobre la evaluación diagnóstica aplicada a los estudiantes del
tercer ciclo de primaria en una escuela pública de Lima durante el periodo de
educación remota 2021? Para ello, se propuso el siguiente objetivo general: analizar
las percepciones docentes sobre la evaluación diagnóstica aplicada a los estudiantes
del tercer ciclo de primaria en una escuela pública de Lima durante el periodo de
educación remota 2021. El enfoque metodológico es cualitativo y el nivel es
descriptivo. Para el recojo de información se usó la técnica de la entrevista, teniendo
el guion de entrevista como su instrumento, el cual fue aplicado a cuatro docentes. A
partir de los resultados obtenidos se evidencia que los docentes en su mayoría
reconocen conceptos alineados a lo que describen los diferentes teóricos; no
obstante, también se pudo identificar vacíos conceptuales y falta de profundización
teórica. Finalmente, existe una clara evidencia de que los docentes dan una valoración
positiva a la evaluación diagnóstica y la consideran de gran importancia para la mejora
de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje.
There are few studies carried out at the national and international level about diagnostic assessment. Therefore, the relevance and peculiarity of this research within the pedagogical field and within the framework of the implementation of the diagnostic evaluation by the Ministry of Education of Peru is highlighted. From this work, the importance of this evaluation as a guide and promoter of the improvement of the quality of the teaching and learning process is recognized based on realistic information from the students, for this reason, it is essential to know the teaching perceptions, since it is the way, the teacher interprets it. In this paper, the problem is: What are the teachers' perceptions about the diagnostic evaluation applied to students in the third cycle of primary school in a public school in Lima during the remote education period 2021? To do this, the following general objective was proposed: to analyze the teachers' perceptions on the diagnostic evaluation applied to students in the third cycle of primary school in a public school in Lima during the remote education period 2021. The methodological approach is qualitative and the level is descriptive. For the collection of information, the interview technique was used, having the interview script as its instrument, this was applied to four teachers. From the results obtained it is evident that the teachers mostly recognize concepts aligned to what is described by the different theorists; However, conceptual gaps and a lack of theoretical depth could also be identified. Finally, there is clear evidence that teachers give a positive assessment to the diagnostic evaluation and consider it of great importance for the improvement of the teaching-learning processes.
There are few studies carried out at the national and international level about diagnostic assessment. Therefore, the relevance and peculiarity of this research within the pedagogical field and within the framework of the implementation of the diagnostic evaluation by the Ministry of Education of Peru is highlighted. From this work, the importance of this evaluation as a guide and promoter of the improvement of the quality of the teaching and learning process is recognized based on realistic information from the students, for this reason, it is essential to know the teaching perceptions, since it is the way, the teacher interprets it. In this paper, the problem is: What are the teachers' perceptions about the diagnostic evaluation applied to students in the third cycle of primary school in a public school in Lima during the remote education period 2021? To do this, the following general objective was proposed: to analyze the teachers' perceptions on the diagnostic evaluation applied to students in the third cycle of primary school in a public school in Lima during the remote education period 2021. The methodological approach is qualitative and the level is descriptive. For the collection of information, the interview technique was used, having the interview script as its instrument, this was applied to four teachers. From the results obtained it is evident that the teachers mostly recognize concepts aligned to what is described by the different theorists; However, conceptual gaps and a lack of theoretical depth could also be identified. Finally, there is clear evidence that teachers give a positive assessment to the diagnostic evaluation and consider it of great importance for the improvement of the teaching-learning processes.
Palabras clave
Evaluación educacional, Educación a distancia, Educación primaria--Investigaciones, Personal docente--Actitudes
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