Discriminación en el consumo por orientación sexual e identidad de género
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el año 2019 la Sala Especializada de Protección al Consumidor del Instituto
Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y Propiedad Intelectual (en adelante,
INDECOPI) realizó un cambio de criterio respecto al alcance de las figuras
jurídicas contenidas dentro del artículo 38° del Código de Protección y Defensa
del Consumidor. En ese sentido, si bien antes se entendía la coexistencia de dos
supuestos infractores, es decir, el trato diferenciado ilícito y la discriminación,
actualmente dicho artículo sólo engloba la materia de discriminación. No
obstante, es necesario comenzar a preguntarnos si el cambio de criterio en
materia de discriminación ha generado algún tipo de beneficio o detrimento en
comunidades que históricamente han sufrido tratos discriminatorios. En
particular, el presente trabajo se centra en la discriminación en el consumo que
sufre la comunidad LGTBI+.
De esta manera, se aborda la historia de la inclusión de la figura discriminación
en el consumo y los criterios que INDECOPI ha implementado al respecto.
Asimismo, se identifica el concepto de discriminación que utiliza el Tribunal
Constitucional y la doctrina en derechos humanos. Finalmente, analizaremos los
criterios que ha tenido INDECOPI respecto de casos de discriminación de
personas LGTBI+ así como si el cambio de criterio ha generado un refuerzo a su
protección o si, al contrario, no ha sido pertinente o no ha logrado mayor aporte
en el análisis de la discriminación a dicha comunidad.
In 2019, the Specialized Court for Consumer Protection of the National Institute for the Defense of Free Competition and Protection of Intellectual Property (hereinafter, INDECOPI, for its acronym in Spanish) made a change of criteria regarding the scope of the legal figures contained within article 38 of the Consumer Protection Code. In this sense, although previously the coexistence of two alleged infringers was understood, that is, unlawful differential treatment and discrimination, currently said article only encompasses the matter of discrimination. However, it is necessary to begin to ask ourselves if the change in criteria regarding discrimination has generated some kind of benefit or detriment in communities that have historically suffered discriminatory treatment. In particular, this paper focuses on discrimination in consumption suffered by the LGTBI+ community. In this regard, the history of the inclusion of the figure of discrimination in consumption and the criteria that INDECOPI has implemented are addressed. Likewise, the concept of discrimination used by the Constitutional Court and the human rights doctrine is identified. Finally, we will analyze the criteria that INDECOPI has had regarding cases of discrimination against LGTBI+ people, as well as if the change in criteria has generated a reinforcement of their protection or if, on the contrary, it has not been relevant or has not achieved a greater contribution in the analysis of discrimination against that community.
In 2019, the Specialized Court for Consumer Protection of the National Institute for the Defense of Free Competition and Protection of Intellectual Property (hereinafter, INDECOPI, for its acronym in Spanish) made a change of criteria regarding the scope of the legal figures contained within article 38 of the Consumer Protection Code. In this sense, although previously the coexistence of two alleged infringers was understood, that is, unlawful differential treatment and discrimination, currently said article only encompasses the matter of discrimination. However, it is necessary to begin to ask ourselves if the change in criteria regarding discrimination has generated some kind of benefit or detriment in communities that have historically suffered discriminatory treatment. In particular, this paper focuses on discrimination in consumption suffered by the LGTBI+ community. In this regard, the history of the inclusion of the figure of discrimination in consumption and the criteria that INDECOPI has implemented are addressed. Likewise, the concept of discrimination used by the Constitutional Court and the human rights doctrine is identified. Finally, we will analyze the criteria that INDECOPI has had regarding cases of discrimination against LGTBI+ people, as well as if the change in criteria has generated a reinforcement of their protection or if, on the contrary, it has not been relevant or has not achieved a greater contribution in the analysis of discrimination against that community.
Palabras clave
Protección del consumidor--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Discriminación sexual--Perú