Plan estratégico aplicado de la empresa Corporación Limatambo
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente documento se elabora el Planeamiento Estratégico Aplicado de la
Empresa Corporación Limatambo, empresa dedicada a la comercialización y elaboración de
diferentes tipos de vidrios, principalmente para el sector construcción. La empresa cuenta con
casi 35 años, teniendo en la actualidad cuatros sedes de las cuales tres se encuentran en el
distrito San Juan de Lurigancho y la otra se encuentra en el distrito de La Victoria.
La Empresa Corporación Limatambo cuenta con cinco líneas de productos: venta de
vidrio crudo, fabricación de vidrio templado, piezas de aluminio y accesorios y servicio de
obras. Además, la empresa es dirigida por la familia Alva, los cuales cumplen diversas
funciones dentro de empresa. Por otro lado, la Empresa Corporación Limatambo es
conformada por tres razones sociales: Vidriería Limatambo, Templados Limatambo y
Corporación Limatambo.
La Empresa Corporación Limatambo tiene como producto principal al vidrio crudo, el
cual representa alrededor del 64% de las ventas. Seguido está el vidrio templado, que
representa el 20%, correspondiente al año 2014. Dentro de los productos y servicios
ofrecidos, el que menor utilidad entrega a la empresa es el vidrio crudo, mientras que los de
mayor utilidad son el vidrio templado y el servicio de obras, los cuales otorgan al cliente un
mayor valor agregado.
Además, la Empresa presenta un ratio de liquidez del 1.20, un ROA del 10.28% y un
ROE del 27.63%. Finalmente, la empresa presenta como ventaja competitiva la capacidad de
financiamiento, la cadena de suministro y la percepción de calidad de sus productos por parte
de cliente.
In this document lies the Applied Strategic Planning for the Company Corporación Limatambo, dedicated to the sale and manufacturing of different types of glass, mostly for the construction industry. The company was established almost 35 years ago, currently having four locations, three of them are located in San Juan de Lurigancho district and the other one is located in La Victoria district. The Company Corporación Limatambo has five business lines: raw glass sales, toughened glass manufacturing, aluminum parts and accessories and work services. Also, the Company is managed by the Alva family, fulfilling several tasks within the company. The Company Corporación Limatambo is constituted by three independent companies: Vidriería Limatambo, Templados Limatambo y Corporación Limatambo. The Company Corporación Limatambo has as its main product the raw glass, which represents near 64% of sales. Following that is toughened glass, which represents the 20% of sales in 2014. From all their products and services, the least margin obtained is from raw glass, and the more margin obtained is from toughened glass and work services, which have a greater added value. Also, the Company has a liquidity ratio of 1.20, ROA of 10.8% and a ROE of 27.63%. Lastly, the Company has as its competitive advantage its financing capacity, supply chain and the perceived quality of its products by the customer.
In this document lies the Applied Strategic Planning for the Company Corporación Limatambo, dedicated to the sale and manufacturing of different types of glass, mostly for the construction industry. The company was established almost 35 years ago, currently having four locations, three of them are located in San Juan de Lurigancho district and the other one is located in La Victoria district. The Company Corporación Limatambo has five business lines: raw glass sales, toughened glass manufacturing, aluminum parts and accessories and work services. Also, the Company is managed by the Alva family, fulfilling several tasks within the company. The Company Corporación Limatambo is constituted by three independent companies: Vidriería Limatambo, Templados Limatambo y Corporación Limatambo. The Company Corporación Limatambo has as its main product the raw glass, which represents near 64% of sales. Following that is toughened glass, which represents the 20% of sales in 2014. From all their products and services, the least margin obtained is from raw glass, and the more margin obtained is from toughened glass and work services, which have a greater added value. Also, the Company has a liquidity ratio of 1.20, ROA of 10.8% and a ROE of 27.63%. Lastly, the Company has as its competitive advantage its financing capacity, supply chain and the perceived quality of its products by the customer.
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