De los sandbox regulatorios y otros medios (demonios) de crecer el acceso a internet en Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Dada la nueva realidad, que tiene como eje la conectividad digital, la pregunta a responder es: ¿Cómo hacemos para, literalmente, “quemar etapas” y cerrar la brecha digital actual y la que se nos va a formar “a la vuelta de la esquina” con el 5G? Este documento propone ideas que consideramos indispensables aplicar, para generar un crecimiento exponencial “post pandemia” de las redes de telecomunicaciones en todo el territorio nacional, especialmente en zonas rurales y de preferente interés social, y que servirán para dar conectividad digital (internet de alta velocidad) sobre una base de inclusión digital (no discriminatoria e incluyente). En ese sentido, no sólo es necesaria la innovación tecnológica, sino que es indispensable revisar integralmente el marco normativo vigente del sector (ya sea la normativa emitida por el Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones o la emitida por el Organismo Supervisor de Inversión Privada en Telecomunicaciones) para (i) eliminar barreras de entrada, sobrecostos regulatorios, así como, normativa que no genera valor y que esté desfasada por la evolución tecnológica, con lo cual ya no superan una somera evaluación costo & beneficio; y, (ii) generar incentivos para la expansión de redes y la generación de mayores servicios innovativos, que producen valor positivo a los consumidores, y en especial, a los “no conectados”. Por ello, nuestra recomendación consiste en implementar “Sandbox Regulatorios”, para que los mismos agentes que están en el mercado u otros, puedan plantear innovaciones y ofrecer nuevos servicios, bajo una burbuja regulatoria, que genere predictibilidad y permita presentar casos de negocio, en un marco de confianza y colaboración público-privado.Pero no solo eso: consideramos que los “Sandbox Regulatorios”, deben dar paso a una siguiente generación que denominamos “Plan Flexibilizar para Conectar”, que permita que los diversos agentes puedan presentar propuestas innovadoras que cumplan con los siguientes objetivos: i) impulsar la conectividad en zonas de baja o nula conectividad; ii) incentivar el uso de tecnologías nuevas y/o disruptivas; iii) que beneficien a los usuarios; y iv) que genere mayor competencia.Al igual que en el mercado, se hablaba de 2G, luego 3G, para pasar al 4G y hoy ya estamos en 5G e incluso, ya hay literatura especializada que habla de 6G…. en normativa de avanzada, Perú ya debería estar desarrollando “Sandbox Regulatorios” así como “Plan Flexibilizar para Conectar”. No hay tiempo que perder.
Given the new reality, which has digital connectivity at its core, the question to answer is: How do we literally “burn stages” and close the current digital divide and the one that will form “just around the corner” with 5G? This document proposes ideas that we consider essential to apply in order to generate an exponential “post pandemic” growth of telecommunications networks throughout the national territory, especially in rural areas and areas of preferential social interest, and that will serve to provide digital connectivity (high speed internet) on a basis of digital inclusion (non-discriminatory and inclusive).In this sense, not only is technological innovation necessary, but it is also essential to review the sector’s current regulatory framework (whether the regulations issued by the Ministry of Transport and Communications or those issued by the Supervisory Body for Private Investment in Telecommunications) to (i) eliminate barriers to entry, regulatory cost overruns, regulations that do not generate value and that are outdated by technological evolution and therefore no longer pass a brief cost & benefit assessment) and (ii) generate incentives for the expansion of networks and the generation of more innovative services, that produce positive value for consumers, especially the “unconnected”. Therefore, our recommendation is to implement “Regulatory Sandboxes”, so that the same agents that are in the market or others can propose innovations and offer new services, under a regulatory bubble that generates predictability and allows business cases to be presented, in a framework of trust and public-private collaboration.But not only that: we believe that the “Regulatory Sandboxes” should give way to the next generation, which we call the “Flexibilize to Connect Plan”, which will allow the various agents to present innovative proposals that meet the following objectives: i) promote connectivity in areas with low or no connectivity; ii) encourage the use of new and/or disruptive technologies; iii) benefit users; and iv) generate greater competition.As in the market, there was talk of 2G, then 3G, to move on to 4G and today we are already in 5G and there is even specialized literature that talks about 6G.... in advanced regulations, Peru should already be developing “Regulatory Sandbox” as well as “Flexibilize to Connect Plan”. There is no time to lose.
Given the new reality, which has digital connectivity at its core, the question to answer is: How do we literally “burn stages” and close the current digital divide and the one that will form “just around the corner” with 5G? This document proposes ideas that we consider essential to apply in order to generate an exponential “post pandemic” growth of telecommunications networks throughout the national territory, especially in rural areas and areas of preferential social interest, and that will serve to provide digital connectivity (high speed internet) on a basis of digital inclusion (non-discriminatory and inclusive).In this sense, not only is technological innovation necessary, but it is also essential to review the sector’s current regulatory framework (whether the regulations issued by the Ministry of Transport and Communications or those issued by the Supervisory Body for Private Investment in Telecommunications) to (i) eliminate barriers to entry, regulatory cost overruns, regulations that do not generate value and that are outdated by technological evolution and therefore no longer pass a brief cost & benefit assessment) and (ii) generate incentives for the expansion of networks and the generation of more innovative services, that produce positive value for consumers, especially the “unconnected”. Therefore, our recommendation is to implement “Regulatory Sandboxes”, so that the same agents that are in the market or others can propose innovations and offer new services, under a regulatory bubble that generates predictability and allows business cases to be presented, in a framework of trust and public-private collaboration.But not only that: we believe that the “Regulatory Sandboxes” should give way to the next generation, which we call the “Flexibilize to Connect Plan”, which will allow the various agents to present innovative proposals that meet the following objectives: i) promote connectivity in areas with low or no connectivity; ii) encourage the use of new and/or disruptive technologies; iii) benefit users; and iv) generate greater competition.As in the market, there was talk of 2G, then 3G, to move on to 4G and today we are already in 5G and there is even specialized literature that talks about 6G.... in advanced regulations, Peru should already be developing “Regulatory Sandbox” as well as “Flexibilize to Connect Plan”. There is no time to lose.
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