Modelo prolab: Propuesta para el lanzamiento de una Fintech “Reinserta” para la recuperación de créditos e incorporación de los clientes al sistema financiero.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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De acuerdo a la información estadística proporcionada por la Superintendencia de
Banca, Seguros y AFP, el sistema financiero está constituido por un total de 56 empresas, entre
la banca múltiple, empresas financieras, cajas municipales, cajas rurales de ahorro y crédito,
entidades del desarrollo de la pequeña y microempresa, Banco de la Nación y Agrobanco, sin
embargo, las empresas de mayor participación son la banca múltiple y las cajas municipales,
con 86.5% y 7% de participación en créditos.
Todas las empresas del sistema financiero enfrentan los riesgos que devienen de la
colocación de préstamo, tal como es la no cancelación del crédito otorgado, lo que finalmente
terminando impactando en la morosidad de la empresa y castigando el crédito, para vender
dicho activo a empresas externas que se dedican al recaudo, o en su defecto la misma entidad
financiera a través de campañas de pago, otorga facilidades con descuento, para que el
prestatario se acoja a una opción que le permite liquidar su deuda, sin embargo, ante el riesgo
de reputación que implica esta medida, por lo general derivan la gestión y recuperación de
cartera a empresas externas de cobranza.
Las empresas externas de cobranza mantienen un proceso convencional de gestión de
cartera, en tal sentido, el presente trabajo propone una solución al problema de conectar
empresas del sistema financiero y prestatarios con deudas vencidas, para ello se ha hecho uso
de la metodología Piscina Lab, que combina el Design Thinking y el Lean Start Up, así como
emplea lienzos, como son el mapa de empatía, de experiencia de usuario, el Business Model
Canvas para desarrollar el Producto Mínimo Viable (PMV).
Soportado en un análisis financiero y de mercado, el proyecto obtiene indicadores de
rentabilidad favorables y que generan valor a la empresa.
According to the statistical information provided by the Superintendency of Banking, Insurance and AFP, the financial system is made up of a total of 56 companies, including multiple banks, financial companies, municipal savings banks, rural savings and credit banks, development entities. Of the small and microenterprises, Banco de la Nación and Agrobanco, however, the companies with the highest participation are multiple banks and municipal savings banks, with 86.5% and 7% participation in loans. All the companies of the financial system face the risks that come from the loan placement, such as the non-cancellation of the credit granted, which finally ends up impacting on the delinquency of the company and punishing the credit, to sell said asset to external companies that are dedicated to the collection, or failing that, the same financial institution through payment campaigns, grants facilities at a discount, so that the borrower avails himself of an option that allows him to settle his debt, however, in the face of reputational risk that this measure implies, they generally refer the management and recovery of the portfolio to external collection companies. External collection companies maintain a conventional portfolio management process, in this sense, this work proposes a solution to the problem of connecting companies in the financial system and borrowers with overdue debts, for this, the Pool Lab methodology has been used, that combines Design Thinking and Lean Start Up, as well as using canvases, such as the empathy map, the user experience, the Business Model Canvas to develop the Minimum Viable Product (PMV). Supported by a financial and market analysis, the project obtains favorable profitability indicators that generate value for the company.
According to the statistical information provided by the Superintendency of Banking, Insurance and AFP, the financial system is made up of a total of 56 companies, including multiple banks, financial companies, municipal savings banks, rural savings and credit banks, development entities. Of the small and microenterprises, Banco de la Nación and Agrobanco, however, the companies with the highest participation are multiple banks and municipal savings banks, with 86.5% and 7% participation in loans. All the companies of the financial system face the risks that come from the loan placement, such as the non-cancellation of the credit granted, which finally ends up impacting on the delinquency of the company and punishing the credit, to sell said asset to external companies that are dedicated to the collection, or failing that, the same financial institution through payment campaigns, grants facilities at a discount, so that the borrower avails himself of an option that allows him to settle his debt, however, in the face of reputational risk that this measure implies, they generally refer the management and recovery of the portfolio to external collection companies. External collection companies maintain a conventional portfolio management process, in this sense, this work proposes a solution to the problem of connecting companies in the financial system and borrowers with overdue debts, for this, the Pool Lab methodology has been used, that combines Design Thinking and Lean Start Up, as well as using canvases, such as the empathy map, the user experience, the Business Model Canvas to develop the Minimum Viable Product (PMV). Supported by a financial and market analysis, the project obtains favorable profitability indicators that generate value for the company.
Palabras clave
Instituciones financieras--Perú, Servicios financieros--Perú, Sistema financiero--Perú--Innovaciones tecnológicas.
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