Political guidelines and approaches of Peruvian foreign policy in the new 21st-century order (on the bicentennial of the MRE)




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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto de Estudios Internacionales (IDEI)


Acceso al texto completo solo para la Comunidad PUCP


As a fitting tribute to the bicentennial of Peru’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE) , created on August 3, 1821, the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru’s Institute of International Studies (IDEI) and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) decided to conduct a research project that would analyze the progress and achievements of the MRE, in the new millennium not only in the field of institutional strengthening but also in the implementation and execution of the new approaches Peruvian diplomacy has been incorporating into its foreign policy. The book would also complement the text published by the same authors in 2020, focusing this time on the challenges the new international order poses to our diplomacy and the actions it should take to deal with them. The MRE’s main advances in each area are presented below, minus the multiple proposals the authors formulated to deepen and complement them. While we cannot address them here for space reasons, these proposals can be consulted at the following site,: (https://repositorio.pucp.edu.pe/index/handle/123456789/182860), an open-access work.


Palabras clave

Relaciones internacionales, Perú--Relaciones exteriores






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