Smart Trash, contenedores inteligentes de segregación para mejorar los hábitos de reciclaje
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente trabajo presenta una solución sustentable de negocio que se enfoca en
atender un problema social relevante en el país. De acuerdo al Ministerio del Ambiente, en el
Perú solo se recicla el 1.9% del total de residuos sólidos re aprovechables (MINAM, 2018a).
Debido a esta alarmante tasa, es que la solución propuesta se enfoca en contribuir en crear
hábitos y mejorar el conocimiento sobre el reciclaje en los distritos de Jesús María, Pueblo
Libre, Lince, San Miguel, Surquillo y Magdalena.
La solución consiste en la incorporación de contenedores segregados en los edificios
multifamiliares llamado Smart Trash y en el servicio de gestión de material reciclable como
son el plástico, el papel, cartón y tetra pak. A cambio de la entrega de material reciclable por
parte de los vecinos, los mismos podrán acceder al canje de puntos por productos de limpieza
de uso común, con lo cual lograrán bajar la cuota mensual de mantenimiento. Adicionalmente
se considera la venta de una plataforma tecnológica de gestión de residuos, que incluye
sensores y un software dirigido a las municipalidades y empresas privadas lo que les
permitirá optimizar costos y poder migrar hacia un modelo de sostenibilidad. La solución,
que fue validada por los usuarios mediante el uso de un prototipo, considera una inversión
inicial en efectivo de S/44,811 cuyo payback es de tres años. El VAN obtenido a 5 años es de
S/3,820,146 y una TIR de 79.55%. Con esta solución se podría llegar a reducir hasta 15 mil
toneladas de material reciclable en un periodo de 5 años, los cuales no tendrá como destino
final los rellenos sanitarios.
Smart Trash es una solución innovadora debido a que acerca a los usuarios a reciclar
de manera segura y sencilla dentro de sus edificios y los motiva a hacerlo mediante el uso de
recompensas, esto permitirá crear hábitos en pro del cuidado del medio ambiente.
This thesis presents a sustainable business solution that focuses on addressing a relevant social problem in the country. According to the Ministry of Environment, in Peru only 1.9% of the total reusable solid waste is recycled. Due to this alarming rate, the proposed solution focuses on contributing to create habits and improve knowledge about recycling in the districts of Jesus Maria, Pueblo Libre, Lince, San Miguel, Surquillo and Magdalena. The solution consists of the incorporation of segregated containers in multifamily buildings called "Smart Trash" and the management service for recyclable materials such as plastic and paper-cardboard-tetra pak. In exchange for the supply of recyclable materials by the residents, they will be able to exchange points for cleaning products for common use, which will lower the monthly maintenance fee. In addition, is also being considered, the sale of a technological platform for waste management, which includes sensors and software, aimed at municipalities and private companies, will enable them to optimize costs and migrate towards a sustainable model. The solution, which was validated by the users through the use of a prototype, considers an initial investment of S/44,811 with a payback of three years. The NPV obtained after 5 years is S/3,820,146 and an IRR of 79.55%. This solution could reduce up to 13,000 tons of recyclable material that will not be disposed of in landfills. Smart Trash is an innovative solution since it brings users closer to recycling in a safe and simple way within their buildings and motivates them to do so through the use of rewards, thus creating habits in favor of environmental care.
This thesis presents a sustainable business solution that focuses on addressing a relevant social problem in the country. According to the Ministry of Environment, in Peru only 1.9% of the total reusable solid waste is recycled. Due to this alarming rate, the proposed solution focuses on contributing to create habits and improve knowledge about recycling in the districts of Jesus Maria, Pueblo Libre, Lince, San Miguel, Surquillo and Magdalena. The solution consists of the incorporation of segregated containers in multifamily buildings called "Smart Trash" and the management service for recyclable materials such as plastic and paper-cardboard-tetra pak. In exchange for the supply of recyclable materials by the residents, they will be able to exchange points for cleaning products for common use, which will lower the monthly maintenance fee. In addition, is also being considered, the sale of a technological platform for waste management, which includes sensors and software, aimed at municipalities and private companies, will enable them to optimize costs and migrate towards a sustainable model. The solution, which was validated by the users through the use of a prototype, considers an initial investment of S/44,811 with a payback of three years. The NPV obtained after 5 years is S/3,820,146 and an IRR of 79.55%. This solution could reduce up to 13,000 tons of recyclable material that will not be disposed of in landfills. Smart Trash is an innovative solution since it brings users closer to recycling in a safe and simple way within their buildings and motivates them to do so through the use of rewards, thus creating habits in favor of environmental care.
Palabras clave
Residuos sólidos--Aspectos ambientales, Plásticos--Reciclaje, Economía ambiental, Desarrollo sostenible--Empresas, Residuos--Reciclaje, Reciclaje (Residuos, etc.)--Perú
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