Aproximación integral al contrato de Cloud Computing en la economía digital
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En el mundo actual, la transformación digital de las empresas es un paso necesario e impostergable, para que estas sobrevivan en un nuevo mercado digital y golpeado por los cambios que nos trajo la pandemia del coronavirus. En este contexto, la implementación de nuevas soluciones tecnológicas como el cloud computing, son claves para facilitar estos procesos de transformación, porque permiten a los clientes almacenar grandes cantidades de datos en una nube que está disponible en todo momento, desde cualquier dispositivo con acceso a la red.Sin embargo, los contratos que regulan la implementación de esta solución tecnológica no siempre son estudiados con detenimiento, para efectos de determinar los riesgos y ventajas que ofrecen las distintas modalidades de cloud. Por esta razón, en este artículo, se propone analizar los riesgos y ventajas de los contratos de almacenamiento en la nube, analizando su naturaleza jurídica desde un enfoque integral que incluya comprender la solución tecnológica y los activos de las empresas que están en juego, específicamente los datos, para identificar y mitigar adecuadamente los riesgos de esta tecnología, a través de una adecuada regulación contractual.
In today’s world, the digital transformation of companies is a necessary and unpostponable step, for them to survive in a new digital market hit by the changes brought to us by the coronavirus pandemic. In this context, the implementation of new technological solutions such as cloud computing, are key to facilitate these transformation processes, because they allow customers to store large amounts of data in a cloud that is available at all times, from any device with access to the network.However, the contracts that regulate the implementation of this technological solution are not always fully studied, to determine the risks and advantages offered by the different cloud modalities. For this reason, this article proposes to analyze the risks and advantages of cloud storage contracts analyzing its legal nature from a comprehensive approach that includes understanding the technological solution and the company assets at stake, specifically the data, in order to identify and adequately mitigate the risks of this technology through appropriate contractual regulation.
In today’s world, the digital transformation of companies is a necessary and unpostponable step, for them to survive in a new digital market hit by the changes brought to us by the coronavirus pandemic. In this context, the implementation of new technological solutions such as cloud computing, are key to facilitate these transformation processes, because they allow customers to store large amounts of data in a cloud that is available at all times, from any device with access to the network.However, the contracts that regulate the implementation of this technological solution are not always fully studied, to determine the risks and advantages offered by the different cloud modalities. For this reason, this article proposes to analyze the risks and advantages of cloud storage contracts analyzing its legal nature from a comprehensive approach that includes understanding the technological solution and the company assets at stake, specifically the data, in order to identify and adequately mitigate the risks of this technology through appropriate contractual regulation.
Palabras clave
Computación en la nube, Datos, Datos Personales, Contratos de suministro en la nube, Transformación digital
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