Now showing items 12-13 of 13

    • La sustancia y el contexto de las ofrendas rituales de la cerámica paracas 

      DeLeonardis, Lisa (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo EditorialPE, 2013)
      The Paracas (900 BC-AD 1) of south coastal Peru are widely recognized for ceramics bearing patterned designs created fromincised clay that was often post-fire painted. Analyses of containers, effigies, figurines and musical ...
    • Topará en Pisco: patrón de asentamiento y paisaje 

      Peters, Ann (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo EditorialPE, 2013)
      The settlement pattern associated with the presence of the Topara ceramic tradition in the lower Pisco River watershed and ad-jacent coastal plain is analyzed based on fieldwork and mapping carried out between 1985 y 1987 ...