Fortalecimiento de capacidades e inserción laboral: Análisis del programa de capacitación laboral “Forjando Futuro” de la unidad minera Toquepala
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación estudia, desde la perspectiva de la gerencia social, un programa
de capacitación para la inserción laboral ejecutado por la empresa Southern Perú en las
provincias de Candarave y Jorge Basadre, región Tacna, zona de influencia de la unidad
minera Toquepala. El objetivo del trabajo es analizar cómo ha influido el programa de
capacitación “Forjando Futuro” en las percepciones y expectativas de los beneficiarios y
cuáles han sido sus resultados en términos de inserción laboral. A través del método
cualitativo, la investigación explora lo que piensan y sienten los beneficiarios de este
programa con relación a la inserción laboral lograda, desde los enfoques del desarrollo de
capacidades, inclusión social e interculturalidad. Las altas expectativas de ingresar a
trabajar a la mina muy presentes en el imaginario colectivo local, en contraposición con el
bajo nivel de inserción laboral, han desencadenado frustración y malestar en un grupo
mayoritario de los beneficiarios. Una de las principales conclusiones es que la baja
inserción laboral guarda estrecha relación con las brechas sociales existentes en la zona
de ejecución del programa; así como de la ausencia de un enfoque de desarrollo para la
reducción de estas asimetrías, situación que limitó, en gran medida, el impacto del
This research studies, from the perspective of social management, a training program for labor insertion executed by the Southern Peru company in the Candarave and Jorge Basadre provinces, Tacna region, area of influence of the Toquepala mining unit. The objective of the work is to analyze how the training program “Forjando Futuro” has influenced the perceptions and expectations of the beneficiaries and what its results have been in terms of job placement. Through the qualitative method, the research explores what the beneficiaries of this program think and feel in relation to the job placement achieved, from the approaches of capacity development, social inclusion and interculturality. The high expectations of entering the mine to work are very present in the local collective imagination, in contrast to the low level of labor insertion, have triggered frustration and discomfort in a majority group of beneficiaries. One of the main conclusions is that low labor insertion is closely related to the social gaps existing in the program's execution area; as well as the absence of a development approach to reduce these asymmetries, a situation that greatly limited the impact of the program.
This research studies, from the perspective of social management, a training program for labor insertion executed by the Southern Peru company in the Candarave and Jorge Basadre provinces, Tacna region, area of influence of the Toquepala mining unit. The objective of the work is to analyze how the training program “Forjando Futuro” has influenced the perceptions and expectations of the beneficiaries and what its results have been in terms of job placement. Through the qualitative method, the research explores what the beneficiaries of this program think and feel in relation to the job placement achieved, from the approaches of capacity development, social inclusion and interculturality. The high expectations of entering the mine to work are very present in the local collective imagination, in contrast to the low level of labor insertion, have triggered frustration and discomfort in a majority group of beneficiaries. One of the main conclusions is that low labor insertion is closely related to the social gaps existing in the program's execution area; as well as the absence of a development approach to reduce these asymmetries, a situation that greatly limited the impact of the program.
Palabras clave
Programas sociales--Inserción laboral--Perú--Tacna, Capacitación ocupacional--Perú--Tacna
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