El sistema de amparo minero peruano en el contexto de la emergencia sanitaria: propuestas para su aplicación frente a una situación no imputable al titular de actividad minera
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En este trabajo se desarrollan las obligaciones vinculadas al amparo minero que recaen sobre los titulares de las concesiones, con especial atención en el cumplimiento de la obligación de trabajo cuyo cumplimiento puede verse dificultado por cuestiones ajenas a los titulares mineros, como la Emergencia Sanitaria ocasionada por la Covid-19. En tal sentido, se analiza el marco normativo vigente y se proponen algunas alternativas de solución para esta problemática.
In this work, the obligations related to the mining protection that falls on the holders of the concessions are developed, with special attention to the fulfillment of the work obligation whose fulfillment may be hampered by issues beyond the control of the mining holders, such as the sanitary emergency caused by the Covid-19. Under the presented circumstances, the current legal system is analyzed and some alternative solutions are proposed for the solution of this problem.
In this work, the obligations related to the mining protection that falls on the holders of the concessions are developed, with special attention to the fulfillment of the work obligation whose fulfillment may be hampered by issues beyond the control of the mining holders, such as the sanitary emergency caused by the Covid-19. Under the presented circumstances, the current legal system is analyzed and some alternative solutions are proposed for the solution of this problem.
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