Reflexión sobre el acceso a recursos genéticos en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El Perú es uno de los selectos países denominados “megadiversos”. Alberga una alta diversidad biológica, siendo los recursos genéticos contenidos en los recursos biológicos la clave de este capital biológico. A partir de la implementación del Reglamento de Acceso a Recursos Genéticos en 2009, se comenzaron a identificar dificultades normativas y procedimentales que vienen generando malestar entre los solicitantes y las entidades (INIA, SERFOR, PRODUCE) encargadas de conducir este procedimiento administrativo y de suscribir los contratos de acceso a recursos genéticos. Por ello, desde 2018 los principales actores vienen trabajando la propuesta de un nuevo reglamento que permita agilizar y simplificar este procedimiento administrativo. El presente artículo tiene por objeto aportar unas breves reflexiones sobre la propuesta de nuevo reglamento; pero principalmente reflexiona sobre las carencias y legalidad del procedimiento administrativo actual y su relación con los pocos contratos de acceso a recursos genéticos suscritos por el Perú que cuentan con el Certificado de Cumplimiento Reconocido Internacionalmente (CCRI) bajo el Protocolo de Nagoya.
Peru is one of the select countries called “megadiverse”. It houses a high biological diversity, wherein the genetic resources included in it, are the keystone. Since the implementation of the Regulation of Access to Genetic Resources in 2009, normative and procedural aspects causing discomfort between applicants and public entities (INIA, SERFOR, PRODUCE) in charge of the administrative procedure and signing the contracts for access to genetic resources, began to be identified. Therefore, since 2018 the main actors have been preparing a legal proposal in order to speed up and simplify the administrative procedure. This article aims to provide brief reflections on this new regulation proposal, but mainly reflects on the shortcomings and legality of the current administrative procedure and its relationship with the few contracts for access to genetic resources signed by Peru that have accomplished the Internationally Recognized aCertificate of Compliance (IRCC) under the Nagoya Protocol.
Peru is one of the select countries called “megadiverse”. It houses a high biological diversity, wherein the genetic resources included in it, are the keystone. Since the implementation of the Regulation of Access to Genetic Resources in 2009, normative and procedural aspects causing discomfort between applicants and public entities (INIA, SERFOR, PRODUCE) in charge of the administrative procedure and signing the contracts for access to genetic resources, began to be identified. Therefore, since 2018 the main actors have been preparing a legal proposal in order to speed up and simplify the administrative procedure. This article aims to provide brief reflections on this new regulation proposal, but mainly reflects on the shortcomings and legality of the current administrative procedure and its relationship with the few contracts for access to genetic resources signed by Peru that have accomplished the Internationally Recognized aCertificate of Compliance (IRCC) under the Nagoya Protocol.
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