Uso de redes sociales e impulsividad en adolescentes pre-pandemia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la relación entre el uso de redes
sociales y la impulsividad en una muestra de adolescentes de un colegio privado de Lima. La
muestra está conformada por 136 estudiantes entre 12 a 17 años (M=14.22; DE=1.56), en su
mayoría mujeres (52.9%). La data fue recogida de manera presencial durante el año 2019.
Los instrumentos utilizados fueron el Cuestionario de Adicción a Redes sociales (ARS) y la
versión chilena adaptada para adolescentes (Salvo y Castro, 2013) de la Escala de
Impulsividad de Barrat (BIS-11). Los resultados evidencian una relación positiva entre la
Impulsividad motora, la Impulsividad No planeada, el uso problemático de redes sociales y
sus dimensiones. Se identificaron diferencias en el uso problemático de redes sociales con
respecto a la edad, el rendimiento académico y el tiempo de uso, a excepción del sexo.
Además, se halló que estudiantes con bajo rendimiento académico presentaron mayor nivel
de Impulsividad no planeada, en comparación con alumnos de alto rendimiento académico.
En conclusión, tanto la Impulsividad Motora como la Impulsividad No Planeada, además de
ciertas características como tener entre 15 a 17 años, presentar bajo rendimiento académico y
pasar más de 6 horas conectado influyen en el uso problemático de redes sociales por parte de
los adolescentes. Para futuras investigaciones, se sugiere indagar sobre las percepciones del
uso de redes sociales en el rendimiento académico, relaciones amicales y familiares, así como
examinar las actividades preferidas que realizan dentro de ellas. También, analizar la relación
de las variables de estudio con la personalidad, ansiedad, depresión y estilos parentales.
The aim of this research is to analyze the relationship between the social networking usage and impulsivity in a sample of adolescents from a private school in Lima. The sample is made up of 136 students between 12 and 17 years old (M= 14.22; SD = 1.56), mostly women (52.9%). The data was collected in person during 2019. The Social Network Addiction Questionnaire (ARS) and the Chilean version adapted for adolescents (Salvo and Castro, 2013) of the Barrat Impulsivity Scale (BIS-11) were the instruments applied. The results show a positive relationship between Motor Impulsivity, Unplanned Impulsivity, the problematic usage of social networks and their dimensions. Differences were identified in the problematic usage of social networks with respect to age, academic performance and time of use, with the exception of gender. In addition, it was found that students with low academic performance had a higher level of unplanned impulsivity, compared to students with high academic performance. In conclusion, both Motor Impulsivity and Unplanned Impulsivity, in addition to certain characteristics such as being between 15 and 17 years old, presenting low academic performance and spending more than 6 hours online influence the problematic usage of social networks by adolescents. For future research, it is suggested to inquire about the perceptions of the use of social networks in academic performance, friends and family relationships, as well as to examine the preferred activities that they carry out within them. Also, analyze the relationship of the study variables with personality, anxiety, depression and parenting styles.
The aim of this research is to analyze the relationship between the social networking usage and impulsivity in a sample of adolescents from a private school in Lima. The sample is made up of 136 students between 12 and 17 years old (M= 14.22; SD = 1.56), mostly women (52.9%). The data was collected in person during 2019. The Social Network Addiction Questionnaire (ARS) and the Chilean version adapted for adolescents (Salvo and Castro, 2013) of the Barrat Impulsivity Scale (BIS-11) were the instruments applied. The results show a positive relationship between Motor Impulsivity, Unplanned Impulsivity, the problematic usage of social networks and their dimensions. Differences were identified in the problematic usage of social networks with respect to age, academic performance and time of use, with the exception of gender. In addition, it was found that students with low academic performance had a higher level of unplanned impulsivity, compared to students with high academic performance. In conclusion, both Motor Impulsivity and Unplanned Impulsivity, in addition to certain characteristics such as being between 15 and 17 years old, presenting low academic performance and spending more than 6 hours online influence the problematic usage of social networks by adolescents. For future research, it is suggested to inquire about the perceptions of the use of social networks in academic performance, friends and family relationships, as well as to examine the preferred activities that they carry out within them. Also, analyze the relationship of the study variables with personality, anxiety, depression and parenting styles.
Palabras clave
Impulsividad, Adicción a internet, Adolescentes--Redes sociales
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