Fortalecimiento de la gestión local articulada para la implementación del plan multisectorial de lucha contra la anemia a partir de la caracterización de la participación comunitaria en 02 distritos priorizados en Huánuco
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Considerando la alta prevalencia de anemia en menores de 36 meses en los
últimos años a nivel nacional (43.5% en el 2018 según el INEI), en julio de 2018
se aprobó el Plan Multisectorial de lucha contra la anemia (PMLCA), que
establece acciones e intervenciones articuladas para prevenir y reducir la
anemia. Este Plan establece una gestión territorial articulada, para coordinar y
monitorear las intervenciones. Aquí, es fundamental la participación comunitaria,
con actores locales, institucionales y comunitarios, que mantienen un rol en las
acciones de la Instancia de articulación local (IAL) liderada por el alcalde.
El presente estudio busca reconocer si las características de la participación
comunitaria, de los actores involucrados en la IAL, fortalece la gestión local
contribuyendo al logro de los resultados propuestos por el PMLCA. Se realizó
una investigación cualitativa en la región Huánuco, en los distritos de Molino y
San Rafael, priorizados por el PMLCA. En cada distrito, durante mayo y junio de
2019, se realizaron 6 entrevistas en profundidad a actores institucionales y 6 a
actores comunitarios. Los hallazgos responden a tres preguntas de
Los hallazgos sobre los perfiles y roles de los actores involucrados, en ambos
distritos fueron similares, los actores comunitarios, la mayoría mujeres, participan
según sus capacidades y con responsabilidades puntuales. Respecto de las
acciones que promueve el PMLCA y sus determinantes con relación al
Desarrollo Infantil Temprano (DIT), éstas han sido limitadas, centrándose más en
las acciones del personal de salud y las visitas domiciliarias, actividad principal
de los actores comunitarios. Asimismo, se observó que la participación de dichos
actores en la gestión local articulada del PMLCA era mínima, pese a ser el
principal nexo con la comunidad, para su involucramiento y sensibilización.
Se observa la importancia de que las IAL realicen realmente un trabajo articulado
donde los actores comunitarios sirvan de enlace entre las instituciones y la
comunidad, con opciones de participación en las diversas acciones necesarias
para luchar contra la anemia (identidad, servicios dirigidos a la primera infancia,
disponibilidad de alimentos rico en hierro y, acceso a agua y saneamiento).
Considering the high prevalence of anemia in children under 36 months of age in recent years at the national level (43.5% for 2018 according to the INEI), in July 2018 the Multisectoral Plan to combat anemia (PMLCA) was approved, which establishes actions and articulated interventions to prevent and reduce anemia. This Plan evidences the work of an articulated territorial management, to coordinate and monitor the interventions. Within this, community participation is essential, where local, institutional and community actors maintain a continuous role in the actions of the Local Coordination Instance (IAL) led by the mayor. This study seeks to recognize whether the characteristics of community participation, of the actors involved in the LAI, strengthen local management, contributing to the achievement of the results proposed by the PMLCA. A qualitative investigation was carried out in the Huánuco region, in the districts of Molino and San Rafael, prioritized by the PMLCA. In each district, during May and June 2019, 6 in-depth interviews were conducted with institutional actors and 6 with community actors. The findings answer three research questions. The findings on the profiles and roles of the actors involved in both districts were similar, the community actors, the majority women, participate according to their capacities and with specific responsibilities. Regarding the actions promoted by the PMLCA and its determinants in relation to Early Childhood Development (ECD), these have been limited, focusing more on the actions of health personnel and home visits, the main activity of community actors. Likewise, regarding the participation of said actors in the articulated local management of the PMLCA, it was observed that it was minimal, despite being the main link with the community, for their involvement and awareness. It is observed the importance that the LAI really carry out an articulated work where community actors serve as a link between the institutions and the community, with options for participation in the various actions necessary to fight anemia (identity, services aimed at early childhood, availability of foods rich in iron and, access to water and sanitation)
Considering the high prevalence of anemia in children under 36 months of age in recent years at the national level (43.5% for 2018 according to the INEI), in July 2018 the Multisectoral Plan to combat anemia (PMLCA) was approved, which establishes actions and articulated interventions to prevent and reduce anemia. This Plan evidences the work of an articulated territorial management, to coordinate and monitor the interventions. Within this, community participation is essential, where local, institutional and community actors maintain a continuous role in the actions of the Local Coordination Instance (IAL) led by the mayor. This study seeks to recognize whether the characteristics of community participation, of the actors involved in the LAI, strengthen local management, contributing to the achievement of the results proposed by the PMLCA. A qualitative investigation was carried out in the Huánuco region, in the districts of Molino and San Rafael, prioritized by the PMLCA. In each district, during May and June 2019, 6 in-depth interviews were conducted with institutional actors and 6 with community actors. The findings answer three research questions. The findings on the profiles and roles of the actors involved in both districts were similar, the community actors, the majority women, participate according to their capacities and with specific responsibilities. Regarding the actions promoted by the PMLCA and its determinants in relation to Early Childhood Development (ECD), these have been limited, focusing more on the actions of health personnel and home visits, the main activity of community actors. Likewise, regarding the participation of said actors in the articulated local management of the PMLCA, it was observed that it was minimal, despite being the main link with the community, for their involvement and awareness. It is observed the importance that the LAI really carry out an articulated work where community actors serve as a link between the institutions and the community, with options for participation in the various actions necessary to fight anemia (identity, services aimed at early childhood, availability of foods rich in iron and, access to water and sanitation)
Palabras clave
Anemia--Perú--Huánuco, Proyectos sociales--Perú--Huánuco, Salud infantil--Perú--Huánuco
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