El concierto social como fórmula alternativa (y no contractual) para la gestión indirecta de los servicios sociales públicos
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Las Directivas de la Unión Europea en materia de contratación han habilitado la posibilidad de que los Estados miembros puedan gestionar los servicios sociales públicos a través de fórmulas no contractuales. En España, esa posibilidad se ha concretado en los denominados conciertos sociales, regulados a través de las leyes de Servicios Sociales de las Comunidades Autónomas. Se trata de acuerdos a celebrar entre la Administración titular o responsable de los servicios y entidades de carácter privado, normalmente, sin ánimo de lucro. La naturaleza y el régimen jurídico de estos conciertos sociales, tal y como deriva de la regulación vigente, plantea, no obstante, algunas dudas que deberán ir resolviéndose a medida que su uso generalizado evidencie las fortalezas y debilidades de esta figura y la jurisprudencia resuelva al respecto.
The procurement Directives have enabled member States of the European Union to manage public social services through a non-contractual formula. In Spain, this possibility has been realized in “social agreements”, regulated through the Social Services Laws of the Autonomous Communities. These are agreements to be entered into between the Administration in charge of or responsible for the services and private entities, normally non-profit organizations. However, the nature and legal regime of these social agreements, as it results from the current regulation, raises some doubts. They should be resolved as their widespread use reveals the strengths and weaknesses of this figure and the case law resolves them.
The procurement Directives have enabled member States of the European Union to manage public social services through a non-contractual formula. In Spain, this possibility has been realized in “social agreements”, regulated through the Social Services Laws of the Autonomous Communities. These are agreements to be entered into between the Administration in charge of or responsible for the services and private entities, normally non-profit organizations. However, the nature and legal regime of these social agreements, as it results from the current regulation, raises some doubts. They should be resolved as their widespread use reveals the strengths and weaknesses of this figure and the case law resolves them.
Palabras clave
Servicios sociales públicos, Servicios sociales de interés general, gestión indirecta, Gestión no contractual, Concierto social, Organización sin ánimo de lucro
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