La danza moderna como herramienta para el desarrollo de las habilidades sociales básicas en los niños del primer grado de primaria de una institución educativa estatal de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Los niños de ahora requieren de una educación que responda a sus necesidades e
intereses y que les brinden las herramientas necesarias para su desenvolvimiento en el
campo educativo, laboral, familiar y personal. Es así como esta investigación ha ido
enlazando cadenas entre la teoría y evidencias para colocar a la danza moderna como una
herramienta dinámica que la escuela de estos tiempos necesita. Es por ello, que, en el
presente estudio, se busca determinar la influencia de la danza moderna y como esta,
aporta en el desarrollo de las habilidades sociales básicas de los niños del primer grado.
Partiendo de este contexto, se plantearon los siguientes objetivos:
- Determinar como la danza moderna aporta en el desarrollo de las habilidades
sociales básicas en los niños del primer grado de primaria de una institución
educativa estatal de Lima Metropolitana.
- Identificar la influencia de la danza moderna en el desarrollo integral de los
niños del primer grado de primaria de una institución estatal de Lima
- Describir las habilidades sociales básicas que presentan los niños de primer
grado de primaria de una institución estatal de Lima Metropolitana.
A partir de la información plasmada en el marco teórico, se elaboró y aplicó una
guía de observación para las sesiones de danza moderna y una guía de entrevista dirigida
a los padres de familia; con el fin de contrastar la información obtenida con los datos
recabados y de esta manera poner en evidencia que las escuelas necesitan del arte para
cumplir con una educación transversal y humanista. En relación a los resultados, se puede
distinguir que la danza moderna es una herramienta pedagógica que posibilita el trabajo
integral de la educación del infante tomando en cuenta el contexto de la institución
educativa y los propósitos de aprendizaje planteados por el docente.
Today's children require an education that responds to their needs and interests and that provides them with the necessary tools for their development in the educational, work, family and personal fields. This is how this research has been linking chains between theory and evidence to place a modern dance as a dynamic tool that the school of these times. That is why, in the present study, we seek to determine the influence of modern dance and how it contributes to the development of basic social skills in first grade children. Starting from this context, the following objectives were raised: - Determine how modern dance contributes to the development of basic social skills in children in the first grade of primary school at a state educational institution in Metropolitan Lima. - Identify the influence of modern dance on the integral development of first grade children of a state institution in Metropolitan Lima. - Describe the basic social skills that first grade children present in a state institution in Metropolitan Lima. Based on the information contained in the theoretical framework, an observation guide for the modern dance sessions and an interview guide for parents were developed and applied; in order to contrast the information obtained with the data collected and in this way show that schools need art to fulfill a transversal and humanistic education. In relation to the results, it can be distinguished that modern dance is a pedagogical tool that enables the comprehensive work of early childhood education taking into account the context of the educational institution and the learning purposes proposed by the teacher.
Today's children require an education that responds to their needs and interests and that provides them with the necessary tools for their development in the educational, work, family and personal fields. This is how this research has been linking chains between theory and evidence to place a modern dance as a dynamic tool that the school of these times. That is why, in the present study, we seek to determine the influence of modern dance and how it contributes to the development of basic social skills in first grade children. Starting from this context, the following objectives were raised: - Determine how modern dance contributes to the development of basic social skills in children in the first grade of primary school at a state educational institution in Metropolitan Lima. - Identify the influence of modern dance on the integral development of first grade children of a state institution in Metropolitan Lima. - Describe the basic social skills that first grade children present in a state institution in Metropolitan Lima. Based on the information contained in the theoretical framework, an observation guide for the modern dance sessions and an interview guide for parents were developed and applied; in order to contrast the information obtained with the data collected and in this way show that schools need art to fulfill a transversal and humanistic education. In relation to the results, it can be distinguished that modern dance is a pedagogical tool that enables the comprehensive work of early childhood education taking into account the context of the educational institution and the learning purposes proposed by the teacher.
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