La implementación del enfoque ético de la investigación en la formación de estudiantes universitarios como un aporte a la generación del valor público de las universidades: una mirada a la incorporación del componente ético en proyectos de investigación académica en el marco de los fondos concursables PAIN, PADET y PAIP de los años 2017 y 2018 de la PUCP
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación aborda la experiencia de implementación del enfoque ético en
la investigación requerida en el marco de los programas de apoyo a la investigación,
conocidos como PAIN, PADET y PAIP de los años 2017 y 2018, para conocer de qué
manera se genera en los universitarios mayor conciencia sobre los aspectos éticos
relacionados a la investigación.
Los resultados obtenidos permitirán disponer de información que contribuya a la toma
de decisiones sobre la formación universitaria relacionada a los componentes de ética
e integridad en la investigación, a fin de favorecer la educación de profesionales y
personas integras. La misión educativa de esta universidad se condice con el
compromiso y la responsabilidad de generar valor público.
La investigación está desarrollada sobre la base metodológica siguiente: Estudio de
caso, investigación aplicada y muestra significativa de participantes. Se utiliza una
estrategia metodológica que consiste en la aplicación de instrumentos de recojo de
información de distintos actores involucrados: estudiantes ganadores de un PAIN,
PADET o PAIP de los años 2017 y 2018; representantes de unidades e instancias
relacionadas al concurso y gestión de la ética de la investigación; y docentes que
solicitaron al menos una charla en ética de la investigación a la OETIIC.
Las experiencias de incorporación de los principios éticos a las actividades de
investigación resultan ser formativas para los jóvenes universitarios, ya que a través de
estos espacios se logra despertar una mayor conciencia de la investigación que incluye
seres humanos, personas que siempre deberían ser tratadas como fines y no como
medios. A pesar de no existir una propuesta transversal de formación en los aspectos
de integridad y ética de la investigación, hay iniciativas personales e institucionales que
sí reflejan una apuesta de la universidad por formar buenos investigadores,
profesionales competentes; personas capaces de integrar la ética a todos los ámbitos
de su vida.
This research presents the experience of implementing the ethical approach in the research required in the context of research support programs, known as PAIN, PADET and PAIP of the years 2017 and 2018, to find out in which way we can generate in university students greater awareness about ethical aspects related to research. The results obtained will provide us information that contributes to make decisions on university training related to the components of ethics and integrity in research, in order to benefit the education of professionals and upright people. The educational mission of this university is in harmony with the commitment and responsibility to generate public value. The research was developed on the following methodological basis: Case study, applied research and a significant sample of participants. It was used a methodological strategy that is about the application of instruments to collect information from different actors involved: winning students of a PAIN, PADET or PAIP of the years 2017 and 2018; representatives of units related to the contest and management of research ethics; and teachers who requested at least one talk on research ethics from OETIIC. The experiences of incorporating ethical principles into research activities turn out to be formative for university students, through these spaces it is possible to encouraged greater awareness of research that includes human beings, people who should always be treated as a end in themselves and never just as a means. Despite the fact that there is no transversal proposal for training in the integrity and ethics of research, there are personal and institutional initiatives that do reflect the university’s commitment to train good researchers, competent professionals; people capable of integrating ethics into all areas of their lives.
This research presents the experience of implementing the ethical approach in the research required in the context of research support programs, known as PAIN, PADET and PAIP of the years 2017 and 2018, to find out in which way we can generate in university students greater awareness about ethical aspects related to research. The results obtained will provide us information that contributes to make decisions on university training related to the components of ethics and integrity in research, in order to benefit the education of professionals and upright people. The educational mission of this university is in harmony with the commitment and responsibility to generate public value. The research was developed on the following methodological basis: Case study, applied research and a significant sample of participants. It was used a methodological strategy that is about the application of instruments to collect information from different actors involved: winning students of a PAIN, PADET or PAIP of the years 2017 and 2018; representatives of units related to the contest and management of research ethics; and teachers who requested at least one talk on research ethics from OETIIC. The experiences of incorporating ethical principles into research activities turn out to be formative for university students, through these spaces it is possible to encouraged greater awareness of research that includes human beings, people who should always be treated as a end in themselves and never just as a means. Despite the fact that there is no transversal proposal for training in the integrity and ethics of research, there are personal and institutional initiatives that do reflect the university’s commitment to train good researchers, competent professionals; people capable of integrating ethics into all areas of their lives.
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