Los militares y el centenario de la independencia del Perú en 1921
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Las ceremonias por el centenario de la independencia del Perú, realizadas durante los meses de julio y agosto de 1921, contaron con la colaboración de numerosas instituciones, que, lideradas por el Gobierno de turno, lograron que los actos programados alcanzaran niveles de magnificencia. No obstante, lo que coronó la vistosidad y el realce –exigidos por todo magno evento– fue la presencia de las tropas de nuestro ejército en los actos oficiados para la ocasión. Las recomendaciones para embellecer Lima, la recepción y alojamiento de los destacamentos militares extranjeros en los cuarteles capitalinos, y los imponentes desfiles, evoluciones y retretas para el deleite de los asistentes fueron las principales actuaciones de los militares peruanos que contribuyeron a fortalecer la imagen de nuestro país en el ámbito internacional y devolvieron la autoestima a los peruanos.
The ceremonies for the Centennial of the Independence of Peru that took place between the months of July and August 1921, were carried out with the collaboration of numerous institutions, which, led by the government of the day, achieved that the programmed acts reached levels of magnificence. However, the presence of the troops of our Army in the acts officiated for the occasion, consolidated the enhancement and showiness that every great event demands. The recommendations for the beautification of Lima, reception and accommodation of the foreign military detachments in the capital’s barracks, imposing parades, evolutions and retreats to the delight of the attendees, were the main actions by the Peruvian military that contributed to strengthening the image of our country internationally and restored self-esteem to Peruvians.
The ceremonies for the Centennial of the Independence of Peru that took place between the months of July and August 1921, were carried out with the collaboration of numerous institutions, which, led by the government of the day, achieved that the programmed acts reached levels of magnificence. However, the presence of the troops of our Army in the acts officiated for the occasion, consolidated the enhancement and showiness that every great event demands. The recommendations for the beautification of Lima, reception and accommodation of the foreign military detachments in the capital’s barracks, imposing parades, evolutions and retreats to the delight of the attendees, were the main actions by the Peruvian military that contributed to strengthening the image of our country internationally and restored self-esteem to Peruvians.
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