1821: La celebración de la Independencia del Perú en Santiago de Chile
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este artículo se centra en la celebración de la independencia del Perú en la ciudad de Santiago de Chile durante el mes de agosto de 1821, empleando, principalmente la información del diario oficial denominado Gazeta Ministerial de Chile. Se analiza el intenso ciclo festivo que produjo la denominada liberación de Lima, ocurrida el 10 de julio del mencionado año, cuando las fuerzas patriotas, bajo el mando del general San Martín, ingresaron en la ciudad. La primera parte presenta el profundo vínculo simbólico entre la liberación de Lima y el desastre sufrido por los patriotas en la batalla de Rancagua en 1814. La segunda parte presenta cómo la celebración de la independencia del Perú sublimó la legitimidad política y simbólica del director supremo, Bernardo O’Higgins, quien se convirtió en un heroico líder continental y la encarnación de una nación triunfante.
This article focuses on the celebration of the Peruvian Independence in the city of Santiago de Chile in August 1821. It mainly examines the official newspaper, Gazeta Ministerial de Chile. This work establishes the intense festivities that produced the so-called liberation of Lima, which occurred on July 10, 1821. On this date, the patriotic forces under the command of General San Martín entered the city. The first part shows the highly symbolic link between the identified liberation of Lima from the royalist forces with the “disaster of Rancagua.” The “liberation of Lima” led to a resignification of the commemoration of the battle of Rancagua. The second part demonstrates how the set celebration of the Peruvian Independence sublimized the political and symbolic legitimacy of the Supreme Director, Bernardo O’Higgins, who became a heroic continental military figure, turning him into the embodiment of a triumphant nation.
This article focuses on the celebration of the Peruvian Independence in the city of Santiago de Chile in August 1821. It mainly examines the official newspaper, Gazeta Ministerial de Chile. This work establishes the intense festivities that produced the so-called liberation of Lima, which occurred on July 10, 1821. On this date, the patriotic forces under the command of General San Martín entered the city. The first part shows the highly symbolic link between the identified liberation of Lima from the royalist forces with the “disaster of Rancagua.” The “liberation of Lima” led to a resignification of the commemoration of the battle of Rancagua. The second part demonstrates how the set celebration of the Peruvian Independence sublimized the political and symbolic legitimacy of the Supreme Director, Bernardo O’Higgins, who became a heroic continental military figure, turning him into the embodiment of a triumphant nation.
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