Infancia y prisión: Análisis del impacto en los derechos fundamentales de los niños y niñas que conviven con sus madres en el “Establecimiento Penitenciario Mujeres de Chorrillos” (Ex Santa Mónica)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente artículo se analizará el marco normativo que regula la convivencia de los niños y niñas con sus madres en el “Establecimiento Penitenciario Mujeres de Chorrillos” desde la perspectiva del Derecho Constitucional. Actualmente, el Código de Ejecución Penal permite que las internas convivan con sus hijos e hijas menores de 3 años en la prisión. El mencionado establecimiento, siguiendo las exigencias de la normativa nacional e internacional, ha implementado en sus instalaciones diversos programas sociales de salud, educación y alimentación para garantizar un desarrollo integral a los niños y niñas que se encuentran en este establecimiento. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo realizar un balance entre el impacto positivo y el impacto negativo que ha tenido la aplicación del marco normativo, mediante los mencionados programas sociales, en el goce de los derechos fundamentales de los niños a la familia, la salud, la educación y la alimentación. Los autores consideran que el impacto en cada derecho es tanto positivo como negativo, a excepción del derecho a la alimentación, el cual estiman que se garantiza de forma plena. Finalmente, los autores concluyen planteando propuestas de solución frente al impacto negativo causado por la deficiencia normativa.
This article will analyze the regulatory framework that regulates the coexistence of children with their mothers in the “Establecimiento Penitenciario Mujeres de Chorrillos” (Women of Chorrillos Penitentiary Establishment) from a Constitutional Law perspective. Currently, the Criminal Enforcement Code allows inmates to live in prison with their children under the age of three. The aforementioned establishment, following the requirements of national and international regulations, has implemented in its facilities various social programs of health, education and food to ensure a comprehensive development of the children who are in this establishment. This research aims to balance the positive and negative impact of the application of the regulatory framework, through the aforementioned social programs, in the enjoyment of children’s fundamental rights to the family, health, education and the food. The authors consider that the impact on each right are both positive and negative, with the exception of the right to food, which they believe is fully guaranteed. Finally, the authors conclude by proposing solutions to the negative impact caused by the regulatory deficiency.
This article will analyze the regulatory framework that regulates the coexistence of children with their mothers in the “Establecimiento Penitenciario Mujeres de Chorrillos” (Women of Chorrillos Penitentiary Establishment) from a Constitutional Law perspective. Currently, the Criminal Enforcement Code allows inmates to live in prison with their children under the age of three. The aforementioned establishment, following the requirements of national and international regulations, has implemented in its facilities various social programs of health, education and food to ensure a comprehensive development of the children who are in this establishment. This research aims to balance the positive and negative impact of the application of the regulatory framework, through the aforementioned social programs, in the enjoyment of children’s fundamental rights to the family, health, education and the food. The authors consider that the impact on each right are both positive and negative, with the exception of the right to food, which they believe is fully guaranteed. Finally, the authors conclude by proposing solutions to the negative impact caused by the regulatory deficiency.
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