Constitucionalismo sin reglas: el caso del perro guía
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En la presente investigación analizamos las deficiencias de la regulación del artículo 32 del Reglamento Sanitario de Funcionamiento de Autoservicios sobre el cual se basa el sistema judicial peruano para resolver el caso emblemático vinculado con los supermercados Plaza Vea y, de manera inmediata, hacemos una propuesta normativa con la finalidad de que se no avalen restricciones de derechos fundamentales como consecuencia de una deficiente técnica legislativa. El problema investigado es que el Tribunal Constitucional, para resolver el caso Plaza Vea, en ningún momento tomó en cuenta las normas prescriptivas regulativas sobre las que subyace la prohibición relacionada a que no pueden ingresar animales a los supermercados. Por tanto, buscamos demostrar que, aplicando conceptos doctrinarios de la argumentación jurídica, tales como la vaguedad, la sobreinclusión, los predicados fácticos irrelevantes, las lagunas jurídicas y la derrotabilidad, el Tribunal Constitucional pudo comprender que, antes que estar frente a una colisión de derechos fundamentales, nos encontramos ante una deficiente interpretación normativa sobre la que se debió resolver la controversia.
This investigation analyzes the deficiencies in the regulation of article 32 of the Sanitary Regulations for the Operation of Self-Services on which the Peruvian judicial system based to resolve the emblematic case related to Plaza Vea. In addition, we make a regulatory proposal in order to avoid that fundamental rights restrictions as a consequence of poor legislative technique. The problem investigated is that the Constitutional Court, in order to resolve the Plaza Vea case, did not take into consideration the regulatory prescriptive norms on which the prohibition related to the fact that animals cannot enter supermarkets is based. Therefore, we seek to demonstrate that, applying doctrinal concepts of legal argumentation such as vagueness, over-inclusion, irrelevant factual predicates, legal gaps and defeasibility, the Constitutional Court was able to understand that, rather than facing a collision of fundamental rights, we are faced with a deficient normative interpretation on which the controversy should have been resolved.
This investigation analyzes the deficiencies in the regulation of article 32 of the Sanitary Regulations for the Operation of Self-Services on which the Peruvian judicial system based to resolve the emblematic case related to Plaza Vea. In addition, we make a regulatory proposal in order to avoid that fundamental rights restrictions as a consequence of poor legislative technique. The problem investigated is that the Constitutional Court, in order to resolve the Plaza Vea case, did not take into consideration the regulatory prescriptive norms on which the prohibition related to the fact that animals cannot enter supermarkets is based. Therefore, we seek to demonstrate that, applying doctrinal concepts of legal argumentation such as vagueness, over-inclusion, irrelevant factual predicates, legal gaps and defeasibility, the Constitutional Court was able to understand that, rather than facing a collision of fundamental rights, we are faced with a deficient normative interpretation on which the controversy should have been resolved.
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