Eventos sobrevinientes que alteran sustancialmente los términos pactados en los contratos de construcción: una mirada desde los efectos de la pandemia por Covid-19
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Se analiza la institución del caso fortuito y la fuerza mayor a propósito de la pandemia por Covid-19, enfatizando la metodología de análisis para identificar la afectación en contratos de ejecución diferida, especialmente los de construcción. Se subraya la necesidad de considerar cada una de las obligaciones y determinar, casuísticamente, si se está en presencia de una genuina imposibilidad de ejecución o solamente una mayor dificultad de cumplimiento, examinando en este último caso los hechos al amparo del estándar de diligencia pactado; en este último sentido, se analiza si se permite o no excluir la ejecución de la prestación pactada, por excesiva onerosidad o dificultad de cumplimiento sobreviniente, centrándose para ello en los contratos de construcción. Se revisa la procedencia de la excepción de contrato no cumplido, concluyendo que ésta no siempre es oponible en caso de no satisfacción de la prestación pactada. El análisis se centra en la legislación chilena y en los contratos de infraestructura regulados por dichas normas, sin perjuicio que pueda ser extrapolado a la realidad jurídica de otros países. Asimismo, se realiza un examen sobre el hardship y las cláusulas de adaptación de contratos ante circunstancias sobrevinientes, analizando su aplicación en los contratos de construcción.
The institution of force majeure in regard with the Covid-19 pandemic is analyzed, emphasizing in a methodology to analysis and identify the affectation in deferred execution contracts, especially construction contracts. There is a firmly necessity to consider each one of the contractual duties and obligations, as well as the casuistically definition about a genuine unreached contract execution or only a greater difficulty of its accomplishment, examining in this last event the facts related to the agreed diligence standard. Under this last point of view, the article analyzes whether it is allowed for one of counterparts to exclude some part of contract´s object due to excessive onerousness or difficulty of supervening compliance. The pertinence of contract`s breach exception is matter of review, concluding that it`s not always forceable in case of non-satisfaction of proposed and agreed benefits by one of counterparts. The analysis focuses on Chilean regulation, without prejudice that it may be extrapolated to foreign legal scenarios. Also, an examination of the hardship clauses for supervening circumstances is carried out and its application to construction contracts is postulated.
The institution of force majeure in regard with the Covid-19 pandemic is analyzed, emphasizing in a methodology to analysis and identify the affectation in deferred execution contracts, especially construction contracts. There is a firmly necessity to consider each one of the contractual duties and obligations, as well as the casuistically definition about a genuine unreached contract execution or only a greater difficulty of its accomplishment, examining in this last event the facts related to the agreed diligence standard. Under this last point of view, the article analyzes whether it is allowed for one of counterparts to exclude some part of contract´s object due to excessive onerousness or difficulty of supervening compliance. The pertinence of contract`s breach exception is matter of review, concluding that it`s not always forceable in case of non-satisfaction of proposed and agreed benefits by one of counterparts. The analysis focuses on Chilean regulation, without prejudice that it may be extrapolated to foreign legal scenarios. Also, an examination of the hardship clauses for supervening circumstances is carried out and its application to construction contracts is postulated.
Palabras clave
Caso fortuito, Fuerza mayor, Diligencia debida, Revisión del contrato, Excepción de contrato no cumplido, Hardship, Covid-19
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